Kyra Oser is the brilliant psychic who alerted me to it. If it hasnt happened for Spare, Im sure an AI based biography is close to becoming a reality. however, when I looked at her chart for the same period, I did not see the same in her chart. Start as they mean to go on, given that Henry VIII founded the Church of England on divorce. You also saw a light around him. The Tarot is a good guide. Angie's Prediction for Harry Styles: Harry Styles' star will only continue to rise. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. Thank you. It was ever thus, with the monarchy, but at a certain point, people have had enough. I understand the Bible authorised by the Church of England is the King James version of 1611 (I stand to be corrected in this if not so). One is the secret vows of Harry and Meghan witnessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury before the ceremony days before kept hidden by him until Meghan broadcast the truth to Oprah Winfrey. Very, very suddenly, the weather changed to a squall. Lady C then answers, quote, I am telling you, everybody is sitting on a massive secret. Random thought: Meghans relationship with Gloria Steinem. I agree the versions of the meeting has changed. What concerns me with Harry is he says he wants a relationship with his brother and father and yet his behaviour says otherwise. With Pluto in Capricorn leaving Pluto in Aquarius its only right that the majority of people (Aquarius) remember they have the power (Pluto) and not the elite (Capricorn). The pen is yet again handed to the Queen, who shakes her head. We are now heading for Pluto in Aquarius, replacing Pluto in Capricorn. Thanks Anna, I promise you my G&T is on the calendar for March. Laurens Van Der Post, who was one of Williams godfathers and present at the christening, took this to be a sign that there would be a conflict between the Church and the monarchy and that, although the monarchy would survive (because the candle did not go out), there would be a diminution of its significance its light. This is in line with the astrology of March-June 2023, when the Church of England chart shows the end of an era, in relation to the British monarchy. I was at a meeting today where some people were testing AI apps as a joke. What on earth was going on in America, in the years that Andrew was a target and then Meghan appeared (meeting story details may vary). Previously regime change on this cycle such as the Regency of George IV were shocking but relatively peaceful (interesting to see what part, if any, Harry will have to play this time). Jessica, Thank you for being an outstanding impartial good human being. This fits the astrology perfectly. When the Church of England formed its American branch it was called the Episcopal Church. He had already heard their vows, days before. Again smoke and mirrors! It is widely agreed that had he invaded Britain he would have re instated Edward VIII as King along with Wallis. For example; how did he cope if he ever rescued people from car accidents or help children whose parents had died? Pinterest has more comparison photos. Hi Jessica, My friend Imogen Edwards-Jones said (in Sarah Vines Daily Mail podcast) she thought the book had a number of writers. Ive now lent it to my friend Susan who minds the dog waiting for her review. (Silk Sonic was also considered a lock to contend in all three top categories, before Bruno Mars announced, the day after this . I would have thought that Pluto in Capricorn might bring an end to that. Certainly the links with America throughout the dream are strong, as is the association of ideas: The Declaration of Indepence and the Queen being removed to some isolated position exiled, if you like indicate to my mind that by not agreeing to the contract drafted some centuries previously, the monarchy would be vulnerable to falling off its pedestal indeed, it would stand no chance at all of remaining in place and intact. From my vantage point I could only see the shrubs around Dianas grave. When she mocked the curtsey to our late Queen she was performing, but why? This is where Lilibets DNA comes into play, and possibly her parents DNA as well. ACN 644668431. is a random, fortunate, fated carve-up of the Royal Familys line of succession to the throne. William does give the impression of having some of the Queens steel , lacking in Charles. No H/Hs other relatives can be angels and W is the bad guy (to which H/H wants a connection, an apology, how about the other way around?) Thank you Jessica. The gay marriage issue is really just speculation; you can bet many in the establishment are thinking about it, though. I didnt mean to imply that the alleged perpetrators wife had anything to do with these crimes. Diana is not in front of a microphone to confirm or deny she was unfaithful to Charles, but unfortunately part of the invisible job description of marrying into the monarchy is that people will talk. Was there any relations between them? You are solely responsible for what you post. I forgot to say that Claire Thomas also mentioned that Harry wasnt Charless son. That single fact should be enough to make people question what is going on. And will it result in the diminishing of the role of the Royal Family in the UK? When you say you are mesmerised and dont know why, thats really interesting. Could it be Doria related for example, the missingyears Tom Bower refers to? All that was left on the stage was an empty car seat on a raised dais. We will be in a 300-way conversation soon, so thank you for contributing. Its industrial-strength propaganda being pumped out online by those who wish the Commonwealth and the Special Relationship harm. Who is the producer of the Shakespearean drama in front of us? It is clear to you that the cold war never stopped. Of course in this day and age, it would be impossible for them to be incognito. I would also be warning about shocks along the way until 2026. The prediction was made in 2017, three years before it came to pass. It is also possible he will say something very bold or something looked on with criticism. In this astrology blogpost, is suggested that there is a link between Harry and Russia. There is an earlier date, March 7th, when Saturn leaves 0 Pisces, so this feels like a tale in two parts. Hi Jessica, Could he even be blackmailed by threat of worse secrets/smears to come out? Williams destiny reveals the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to get away with the so-called impossible or unthinkable ambitions. Find the original forecast about Buckingham Palace here. Thank you for your reply. Of course an underage monarch doesnt need a regent. Beyond all the doctrine and legal questions, there is that purely moral question, as you say. Again, this is about power. The three of them could have chosen to release the interview at any time, or not release it at all, out of respect to our Queen and her family, but they did not. UPDATE - March 28 2022 Another high-five night for astrology predictions for the Oscars. Cultural references that trigger memories; familiar archetypes, themes and stories. You did call the War of the Roses. Hi Jessica, thank you once again for your great content and providing this positive online space for us all. And you are right about losing the support of those abroad, mainly in Africa. My mother asked why he thinks that and my father said she was pregnant with a Muslim and that there is no way the Royal Family would let the future king have a Muslim brother. How very interesting that Henry VIII may have married Anne Boleyn twice. Shes performing. Ye Gods. I dont know what is going on with life for you in the bedroom, with courtship, your children and young relatives but Virgo has a cycle (ending in March) when that comes with deep questions about control and power. And yet the Leo eclipses predicted (check the original article) aspects of Jeffrey Epstein. Actor Rupert Everett seems to have yet another version! I agree with you; if the Vladimir tiara was the emerald head piece produced, then why didnt Harry remember it when it was time to write the book? Thank you Jessica and have a great start to the week! Hi Jessica, I agree with you that what we are seeing is a puzzle, with a purpose. To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. Happy New Year to you and thank you for keeping this blog going. Theres a bit of subconscious NLP going on. I know youre getting a lot of comments regarding this feature, it never is boring when it comes to the Royal Family, is it. You were likely a celebrant before, or perhaps a vicar. Thank you so much. Not good. Harry and Meghan will indeed lose their titles shortly. Brand new you! Thats Venus. The King promised to make him Duke of York if he ended the relationship and then married someone suitable. Harrys rambling put me very much in mind of my son in that respect. There may also be very good reasons why you are fed up. It makes sense that if this info came to light, someone from the RF would have questioned H about it. Your balanced approach and view is refreshing as many commentators are quite polarised. But at the end of the day, it does matter how you treated your (first) wife. We only see that transit, the South Node in Sagittarius, once every 19 years. The late queens statement Recollections may vary is at the heart of it! That is Archbishop Welby in March 2023. Its fascinating, isnt it? And the US /Britain relationship is the powerful centre of those allies. Have to say, these charts are explosive. Do you think its significant? Do I sound cynical here? Maybe retribution by the Taliban for his comments about his service in Afghanistan is the least of his worries. Facebook. Just MM. Ive just had five more questions in the last five minutes so I will continue to update this feature. Just amazing blogs and such responses to them. I worked with a high-profile magazine and television stylist at the time, who was used to womens bodies. I wonder why he felt it necessary to ramp it up for the American audience..? This includes the children; the future monarchs of tomorrow. Great that people are recognising how unique and valuable this blog is- thank you on behalf of us all. Thats interesting. Happy New Year! I always wondered why does Harry hate Will so much since he got together with Megan. With reference to this interesting conversation, its been eye opening to learn about the astrology teaching and informing us of events and themes. If you are not able to help I understand you do wonderful work and I know you must be busy you help so many people Thanks. especially her latest video titled Are Harry and Meghan political pawns ? Ive said this before, but every time I look at the transits to Harrys chart, I sense a show bible and pin board of looks, images, memes, influences. So both could be true. The secret wedding ceremony conducted without public knowledge before the Anglican service is a good case in point. Once you see the geopolitics and the financials, the new battle front of Australia in this manufactured online feud becomes nice and clear. Russia and China would no doubt like the Commonwealth to lose members, to be wound up, and/or to ditch the UK monarch as Head of State. Having read the article, there is seemingly not only a split in the CoE, but also in the Commonwealth. Red headed 2nd son they were married over H8s tomb at Windsor and on anniversary (May 19 1536) Anne Boleyn was beheaded. All blocked by QEII. Thank you Amelie. There will be a few people around the world celebrating the ingress of Pluto in Aquarius (and also celebrating the end of Pluto in Capricorn, the cycle which gave us Trump). Thanks for another great post love them all. For the engagement interview Harry stated that he learned about Meghan when one of his friends arranged the blind date and that he had never heard of her and that his friend had to brief him about her. And a security guard for either the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or the couple. Thank you. Its not particularly difficult. Our system detects whether DST was applied using the Olson timezone database. Thats interesting about the Vedic astrology outlook for Meghan and Harry. Although stranger things have happened. Many thanks for your previous replies to my comments. Astrology can help cut through the noise, as I always say, and it is very clear that you cant look at Prince Harry by himself; he is one of two targets attacked at much the same time, Prince Andrew being the other. When the Henry/Rachel news even reaches the media of a non-English speaking country, one begins to wonder what the purpose is. Ive not read The Guardian today but this is chiming with the astrological chart for the Church of England and Welby himself. Yet, that is not his job. I would have expected Jonathan Cainer to be asked to peer at baby Harry, perhaps, or my friends Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank. I totally resonate with the degree of anger you referred to other psychics having around the time of the wedding. Mental health problems, as mentioned, can be one of the reasons for this mess, because I have followed and lived in that nightmare for about 5 months (as you predicted in August, by the way). If you wanted to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom, one of the reasons that Nazi Germany was defeated in the last war, how would you do it? He is hugely Virgo and this is the sign we associate with anxiety and depression risk. Ive heard that rumour about Diana and Henry Herbert too. Thank you for articulating this so well: We are being played, but who is directing it? When the big one comes, it all blows open. Thank you very much for your reply to my comment. Your email address will not be published. I am sorry for this very late reply; you wrote on 10th February and it is now 5th March, but I hope you enjoy the new podcast One very good reason is that we were all being deceived by Harry, Meghan and the Archbishop of Canterbury. There have also been reports over the last week that lots of artists are turning down the chance to play at the coronation concert. However, after the demise of Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette came the years of The Terror for France. I also agree with you re Andrew. He rightly doesnt. I notice that incident was not in the book or from what I understand any other I racist incidents by members of the Royal family. You wrote that youve read Spare: does Harry really casually mentions the 25 Talibans? True. Charles. Based on their sun signs alone . I have some factors at that degree too. At that very point I saw Kanga again very clearly and experienced an icy cold wave that swept over me followed by an overwhelming sense of fear. This is duh level of how to make yourself and your family sitting ducks for terrorist threats. The astrology says, no. When she told us that our late Queen had bone cancer, she was echoing Gyles Brandreth, who Ive met and who follows me on Twitter, as I do him. If not for the astrology, I would never have focussed on foreigners and foreign countries in his life; once it was clear this was the main story of 2018-2026 it didnt take long to find America-Russia. Well never know. The internet has allowed us to see behind the mainstream media smokescreen. The Independent UK has an article dated 18th April 2009 entitled The jousting accident that turned Henry VIII into a tyrant. Honestly, he always looks so sad to me and a bit unsure of where he is going. Fleet Street has always been tough on the wives of the Monarchs second sons, probably to make the wives of the heirs look good as in the case of Diana and Catherine. Dont misunderstand me I am not saying that Meghan is like Princess Diana (not even close) but in Harrys eyes she is almost her reincarnation. Why ask the Archbishop of Canterbury? A marriage for Harry? Hitler called Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) the most dangerous woman in Europe. Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue online are also excellent websites. The letters contained a clear message from Diana that she needed protection and were dated. I just hope that relationship with Meghan lasts because it will be the only one he will have left. You are in the process of . This whole book and the Netflix series are an attempt to set the story straight. If not for astrology I would not even be going here, but Harrys chart clearly shows some very odd things. As a general pattern in your life, until the year 2044, you will realise that you are being drawn to circles of people who can move mountains together. I dont necessarily expect you to respond to this on comments but I wanted to share some visions Ive had on this awful matter. wouldnt it be doomed to fail or disappear? He is not being called to account and nor is his wife. I had no idea. You sound as if you know your royal history. Racing. The astrology agrees. Astrology is fascinating! I will have a look at this; it hadnt occurred to me that this is another possible Church of England issue. Yes, Ive seen reports that Meghan is befriending Getty, but weve not seen evidence, as far as I know. Is Diana giving a clue changes to come I am glad you went back to the old astrology prediction about the Harry-Meghan wedding. Because I find it somewhat ironic that Harry & Meghan got a huge wedding, everyone was cheering and the Queen obviously attended as well. Theres a bit of a message here for all lovestruck women heading down the aisle in a white wedding dress. Yes. Then I see it in the comments here ,and you write about how it got your attention while reading Spare . If you cannot at this time I understand. I got the same off feeling from him that I get when I do a reading of someone that is one antidepressives or have a drug habit. How those poor boys lived with that I have no idea- obviously, they are both severely PTSD and Prince William is trained for his role and luckily Harry as the Spare gets to be loose change. Thats really useful! This friend was (and is) a well known psychic in the Netherlands (the psychic is Jan C. van der Heide). Why were documents sealed? Jyotishgher astrology. In my dream I arrive at Buckingham Palace. Harry seems determined to bring down his whole family, including the legacy of his grandmother. I am adding here that tell-all-books backfire at some point. If this is true it seems a bit of a coincidence that Harry was given the name Henry when he was born. We have also been hoodwinked for a lot of this. Their PR have tried as hard as anyone possibly can to sell Charles & Camilla as a great love story. I think thats called a hypocrite! I was struck by many similar patterns in family dynamics and Dianas reactions but one stood out about 49 mins into the video where Diana recalls a show-down she had with her fathers wife (her version of an evil stepmother) Raine Spencer during the weekend of 16 September 1989 at the wedding of her brother Charles to Victoria. The opposition of Saturn to his Virgo stellium in 2023-2026 is really hard work and if you knew your astrology, youd make 2022-2023 the years you piled the least stress on yourself. Considering the culture, history, etc., it is a setback for her. Boom. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. H&Ms friend Sir Elton only appeared on video for the jubilee. Now they have an unconscious bias which unless addressed could become racism. Whilst we have only yet seen extracts from the text, JR Moehringer may well have represented Harrys voice with outstanding accuracy, including confusion, memory lapses, dysregulated emotions etc. Tara the Tarot Buff Buffington seemed to imply that she was afraid for Harrys personal safety with Meghan, again apologies if I have misinterpreted that, but that is what I took from her reading. QUICK FACTS Name: Harry Birth Year: 1994 Birth date: February 1, 1994 Birth City: Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England Birth Country: United Kingdom Gender: Male Best Known For: English-born. Interesting and mind boggling accuracy, but the Royals have no say in the running of the UK, and their influence in foreign affairs is very limited. and the waters passed not the word of His Mouth Not sure anyone really cares what happens to Andrew/Harkles any more. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? "She lights up the part of his chart that's all about creativity, charisma, confidence, and he lights up the parts of her. Astrology to the rescue again. Harry is definitely motivated by money and he will do and say ANYTHING to get it. Ghislaine Maxwell has apparently given an interview to Jeremy Kyle I wonder whether MM features, will be interesting to see. . Julie. Gosh such a long time ago Not The Mail or The Sun. The word LIES, therefore, belongs in the word EPISCOPAL for more than one reason. End of quote. Too odd. The Oprah Winfrey racism interview could have gone out at any time at all. The blame went to the allegedly drunk driver. Paperback edition, never-before-seen colour photographs, new front page story. I wish Id read your comment before I recorded the YouTube Premiere about Lunar New Year, as family tree upheaval is part of the prediction. Hi Jessica With his big threesun, moon and risingall in earth signs, he's someone who's more. We have the actress. However, I believe she was pregnant and she did give birth both times. Thank you. The YouTuber seems to be an ordinary person, but checked the criteria in the DSM 5 & the Merck Manual used by pharmacists and came up with the answer of Histrionic Personality Disorder as she seemed to fit the criteria very well. I feel that Harry will one day limp back to his family damaged and bruised. January 21st 2019 Moon 0 Leo Sun 0 Aquarius. If this is true its a similar pattern- a secret and then official wedding each time. This is an amazing thread. There is already a split among Anglicans with some arguing that the likes of Sandi Toksvig and her petition against the bishops is not relevant to the church anyway; Christianity has always been out of step with the culture, since the time of Jesus. Edward had a jealous, easily lead brother who plotted against him despite being forgiven the first round. We dont know if the vows were photographed, but they must have been signed, because Meghan told Oprah Winfrey they were decorating their wall. Thats what the astrological chart is showing. The living history discussion continues. Deep seated ones, in some cases. A great community. You saw William as King, not Charles. Because the royal family would not accept the child? Oh, thats interesting. Julie xx. He is very humourous, in a genuinely self-deprecating way, to my mind. Archie, the baby who was born into what the pair fondly call Archewell, is part of the saga, isnt he? In a church. Cheers. The Seventh House describes her first husband, as much as Harry, so the balance of power with both changes. If you have a Leo stellium (as you do) then the challenges and changes with courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne are extremely slow-moving and long-term. Thank you! I quote again: For her part, Meghan and her mother spent the night before the wedding at Cliveden. Thank you. My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) Also apparently there was a problem around August 2021 with report on lead content in product now this has been sorted. Very odd then spending all that cash on those very expensive lawyers to spend the past few months coming up with excuses/reasons to try to persuade the court to throw it out. The fact is, they make millions, maybe billions, for charities and good causes through their patronage and support. Gosh, thank you Jessica for this forum to discuss this. Harry Styles Astrology Report; Harry Styles Images for Phrenology; Get Your Birth Chart/Kundli Now. and at the entrance thereof chanteth Her song: In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth Catherine just launched her Shaping Us campaign about how the first years of our lives greatly shape our future and our future mental health. I was once married to a man that had problems with his family and I always encouraged unity and forgiveness even when his mother was horrible to me. A gardener? Perhaps the family tree needs to be tended or amended; pruned or helped to rejuvenate. Thank you. Hello Jessica, me again. Your son has mental health issues brought on by cannabis use and you recognise some of that in Harrys rambling interview. I wonder who will have the courage to heal with absolute compassion for all. The Harry-Meghan saga was surrounded by eclipses, in Leo, ruling royalty. Too funny. And another prediction, which is interesting as it precedes Megxit:Ceres enters Leo on Sunday 24thSeptember 2017 and stays there until Thursday 28thJune 2018. About the publication of Share, it is insinuated that this was done to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom and to alienate large sections of the American population against the British. They are deeply hurt. I worry for the poor guys mental health. You have been very kind in relation to Harry, and also fair in relation to Meghan & the possibility of being the target of false reporting & portrayal. This is by far and away the discussion everyone wants to join, so far in 2023. If your birth time is strictly accurate, the IC refers to your ancestor/s. She then begins to cry, and I comfort her, urging her not to give up on the marriage. You might also allow Reverend Bingo Allison to appear on television and in newspapers in his lipstick and earrings, knowing full well that the bishops do not approve of Holy Matrimony between two men. Have a great weekend The whole thing does have a heavily fated quality about it. Have to say, if the monarchy was being run like a global corporation, which it effectively is, then the first thing youd do is split from the Church of England. Eyes are the windows to the soul. They feel Meghan and Harry are taking the mickey. Which makes me question their veracity. I would not be hugely surprised to find out that the late Queen had set some of this drama in place. Regards Veronica. Every time I step back and look at what is going on I roll my eyes, because the whole campaign is so clumsy. Thus, Lady Campbell has form. Based on the assumption that the wedding happened during the usual hours when weddings happen, this gives us a Moon somewhere around roughly 10 degrees Gemini. Thank you Janie Bee. I think Harry has been trying to replace his mother in his life and in Meghan he feels he has found that replacement. Ive no idea. I was hurt just reading that! When I tell people what I think is really happening with the royals I get accused of being a conspiracy theorist. I can see no one, but I can hear voices in the distance. This happens in a year when, historically, the line of succession in the Royal Family will be disrupted. (sounds like his coldness to Diana doesnt it?) Thank you so much, Jessica. No. People on Twitter would agree with you I saw one Anglican asking what the church was for, any more! Lots of love. Thanks Caroline. Ireland is interesting because the astrology has long suggested a new division of the United Kingdom from the year 2026. I do hope that HArry finds what he is looking for and there is some reconcilation eventually. These are my thoughts. Intuitively I have always known that Princess Diana was murdered by the Royals. On a practical note, the paperback mass-market edition of Spare will benefit from a front-page story, so it is likely to be about Harrys paternity, or the unlawful killing of Diana.