61 per cent want 'completely new type of political . 2. He has not dared to seize the initiative as workers pay falls well behind rocketing inflation. For one thing, the protocol deal may stumble. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Rishi Sunak, leader of the Conservative Party since 24 October 2022 and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 25 October 2022. Public opinion. Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, speaks at the National Farmers' Union (NFU) conference in Birmingham, UK, on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023. Rishi Sunak today accused Sir Keir Starmer of "typical political posturing" in a fiery PMQs session. The polling companies listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. As popular anger mounts, Starmers lack of vision for a sustainable future risks plunging parliamentary politics into even deeper crisis. The Labour leader has made a dirty word of socialism and shown that his own word counts for nothing. Starmer and Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves have met hundreds of executives over the past year in what has been called the salmon and scrambled eggs offensive a riff on Blair and his own Chancellor Gordon Browns so-called prawn cocktail offensive of the 1990s. But the publics view of the the Labour leader himself appears to be becoming more negative, following weeks in which he has been accused of failing to be more forceful on the cost of living. An improved UK-EU relationship that could eventually ease Britains trading problems is more distant still. The MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark was hit with a five-day suspension today ( Friday, March 3 ), for his drunken, expletive-laden rants in Stranger's Bar last year . In many ways this looks rather like 1996 with Blair and Brown promising Tory-like spending controls and picking fights with the left of the party. His party trails Labour by, Sunak has had luck along the way. Only 17% say a Conservative government with Rishi Sunak as prime minister. politics . As February ends, the Prime Minister remains mired in an extended poll slump, while the Labour leader and his party continue to ride high. But the signs are that there will be little enthusiasm for a Labour Party led by him as a replacement. Blairs most important fundraiser during his premiership Michael Levy once referred to as Lord Cashpoint also has a role in tapping up wealthy donors. How Sir Keir Starmer's Labour would run a government From 'wealth' taxes to net zero, this is how the would-be PM may act should his party's huge opinion poll lead see them through an election Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player. Starmers reluctance to criticise Big Business or show solidarity with workers has shifted political ground in the UK even further to the right. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. But he has made his own luck too. Keir Starmer is delighted she is hoping to join our preparations for government and our mission," the spokesperson said. Shadow Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds is known across the City of London as an affable and engaging MP with a real understanding of financial services. New polling, conducted by Ipsos between 3rd-5th February, shows the public are more likely to apply several leadership traits to Keir Starmer than Rishi Sunak. 7 times Hancock hogged UK headlines, Chief of Staff - Maternity Cover (Brussels), Metsola wants Ukraine EU membership talks to start this year, Aggro-culture: Farmers protest brings Brussels EU Quarter to a standstill, Rishi Sunak says Whitehall must be impartial amid row over Grays Labour job. Boris Johnson has been greedily eyeing a return. The Tories have remained persistently behind Labour throughout the summer and currently stand on 32 per cent of the vote with Labour on 42 per cent, according to BMG. Second, it confirmed that he may be starting to steer the Tory party towards a more moderate and pragmatic place. First poll of 2023 shows Rishi Sunak favourability at -29 . Much as I detest Starmer and the current Labour Party he will likely win back the ugly racist Brexit gammons who voted Tory or Farage last election, he won't loose safe seats like mine, and he won't care if a few of the more comfortable and liberal Tory seats flip Lib Dem. His job approval rating is bumping along at -26. February was another good month of polling for the Labour Party and Keir Starmer, who ended January holding a 21% lead over the Conservatives. X. Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party is out of touch with public opinion, poll has found. Prince Harry set to lose crucial royal role as bitter feud could se 'Whats up with government by WhatsApp? Major new Labour donor David Sainsbury gave more than 2 million at the end of last year, the latest figures confirm, after fleeing during the Corbyn years. The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye. Different polling companies report widely differing figures on this question, but even Savanta ComRes, long the least favourable to Starmer, now has him two points ahead of Johnson when people are asked: Which of the following do you think would make the best prime minister? Starmer on 33 per cent and Johnson on 31 per cent are both eclipsed by dont know on 36 per cent, but politics is a game of relative advantage. But that was before the UK's tremendously successful COVID-19 vaccination programme got under way in December, something that seems to have been among the reasons for Mr Johnson's popularity. Neither Labour or the Cabinet Office denied a report by Sky News' that the Labour leader who current polls suggest could . The protocol deal has not yet been approved. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. Support for the Labour Party has grown in the aftermath of the Autumn Statement, a new poll reveals today. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is trailing Boris Johnson as the British public's preferred prime minister by 17 percentage points, according to a new poll. Previous iterations contained Liz Truss and Jeremy Hunt, Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng, and Keir Starmer and Anneliese Dodds. February was another good month of polling for the Labour Party and Keir Starmer, who ended January holding a 21% lead over the Conservatives. August 20, 2022 7:00 am (Updated August 21, 2022 9:35 am) Labour holds a 10-point lead over the Conservatives as Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak attack each other in public - but Sir Keir Starmer's . As people increasingly see through Johnsons bluster and feel the impact of his lack of decisions, weve created space to show that Keir is the serious politician needed for post-pandemic Britain., To keep up to speed with all the latest opinions and comment sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter by clicking here. By logging in, you confirm acceptance of ourPOLITICO Privacy Policy. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition since April 2020. In practice, however, that appears to mean prioritising the supposed needs of the City and major corporations while paying only lip service to the struggle of ordinary people. To find out more information about this research, As Sunak Heralds Protocol Deal, Majority of British Voters Remain Indifferent to Northern Ireland, Plurality of Britons Support Teachers Going on Strike, Latest Blue Wall Voting Intention (26 February 2023), Latest GB Voting Intention (26 February 2023), Britons and Americans Have Similar Views on Recent Chinese Spy Balloon Controversy, Britons Support Governments Ukraine Policy, But More Urgency on Domestic Challenges Needed, the announcement of a deal with the European Union, Sunak and Starmer Monthly Polling Report Card (February 2023), Joe Biden Administration Approval Ratings and Hypothetical Voting Intention (19 February 2023), Latest Red Wall Voting Intention (19 February 2023), Latest GB Voting Intention (18 February 2023), Peter Obi Leads Decisively in Nigeria Polling, Latest Blue Wall Voting Intention (11-12 February 2023). A source in the leaders office told me that, with Keir, the Labour Party has the strongest message discipline weve had in years. People in Britain, generally, are much more cynical about big money influencing politics, he warned. 'A poll the other day had . Commenting, Prof. Matt Goodwin added: Amid a mass exodus from the Labour market, and millions of people now taking out-of-work benefits in various forms, this polling clearly points to public support for helping people who are on benefits back into the workplace. He seems to have taken as his starting point an assumption - shared by the establishment media - that the antagonism engineered by the Thatcher government through the 1980s towards trade unions and industrial action still holds 40 years later. Approval ratings for former party leaders, Preferred Prime Minister and Chancellor polling, Question asked for joint approval of Ed Davey & Mark Pack, Opinion polling for the next United Kingdom general election, Opinion polling on the United Kingdom rejoining the European Union (2020present), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leadership_approval_opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election&oldid=1141047708, Leadership approval opinion polling for United Kingdom general elections, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from November 2022, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from January 2022, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from October 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 02:35. The National Anthem will be sung at the start of the Labour Party conference next weekend, for the first time in recent memory (h/t @BBCBenWright), Saying Im not ideological, Starmer told BBC Breakfast over the summer: Weve reversed those 2019 manifesto positions because we needed to show the country that were credible, were responsible on the economy.. None of this means Sunak is suddenly the effective and successful leader that the Tory party has lacked for so long. He also had the shameless Johnson and the Faragiste Tory press bursting to make trouble. When Starmer was running for leader, many of his supporters expressed how important it was that he looked like a prime-minister-in . Some 39% of people see the Labour leader as the more effective PM according to the poll, which was commissioned by the Evening Standard. A survey of party members in March this year found that Tony Blair was just as popular with them as Jeremy Corbyn. Collapse. It also reveals that Starmers party holds a narrow two-point lead, compared with a three-point lead in the last poll a fortnight ago. Left-wing party members who joined during Corbyns tenure have been fleeing in droves, depriving Labour of desperately needed income to fight the next general election. And she heads a Conservative Party barely able to conceal its disarray after such a long spell in government, just as Britain is about to lunge from an energy and cost-of-living crisis into full-blown recession. Alli, reportedly worth upward of 100 million, is plugged into to Londons arts, media and business sets. Leadership approval opinion polling for the next United Kingdom general election. Log in to access content and manage your profile. Even Blairs former manager for high value fundraising Vanessa Bowcock is back in a similar role in Starmers office. And Ipsos MORI has Starmer 13 points ahead, while other pollsters also show him outperforming his party. Rather than proposing investment, as previous Labour leaders have done, he has preferred to turn the tables on the Tories, accusing them ofrelying on a magic money tree. No Tory leader can simply declare the convulsions of the past seven years over, or announce that from now on, they will be competent and consensual. If Blairites are now on the rise once again in the Labour Party, what about the man himself? Its much less normalized compared to the U.S. and there are much bigger negatives to it in the U.K. aside from the pragmatic arguments. Date(s) Sir Keir Starmer's decision to make Sue Gray his chief of staff proves he is a "man of the establishment" and will harm Labour's chances of winning the Red Wall, a former Conservative party chairman has claimed Sir Jake Berry said the appointment underlined that the Labour leader would run a . Starmer may scrape a win at the next general election, against an internally divided Conservative governing party only too obviously divorced from the concerns of much of the electorate. More broadly, this will be central to boosting the nations productivity going forward. But dont underestimate this prime minister, either. LONDON Keir Starmer wants big business to mold Labours election plans and get its fingerprints on his policy agenda. Keir Starmer is set to appoint Sue Gray, the senior civil servant who investigated the partygate scandal, as his chief of staff.. Gray, who has a fearsome reputation for probing ministerial misbehaviour and ethics concerns, has left her role as head of the Union and Constitution Directorate at the Cabinet Office and is soon expected to join Starmer's team. First, it has suggested that Sunak is capable of rebuilding at least some of the reputation for Conservative competence. about 1 month ago . Businesses arent altruists giving us all this money means that they will tend to want more movement towards the interests of business., Mandelson, meanwhile, told POLITICO Labour needs many more individual donors to compensate for the sums currently being withheld by hard-left controlled unions.. LONDON Keir Starmer wants big business to "mold" Labour's election plans and get its "fingerprints" on his policy agenda. Having dealt with the party machinery at the last conference, the plan was always that the next one will focus on setting out our plans for Britain. And he is now trailing Sir Keir as the most popular candidate to be Prime Minister. However, while Labour has an overwhelming lead on every major poll as a party, the popularity battle between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer is far tighter. These include the new constituency boundaries on which the next election will be fought, the reduction in the number of seats from Wales and Scotland, and the fact that the Tories need a smaller lead than Labour in the overall national vote to be the largest party at Westminster or to have an overall majority. That amounts to a 10% swing to Labour since the election. For most of the year, as the government enjoyed the protection against the illness of unpopularity afforded by a successful vaccination programme, it looked as if the forward march of Labour had halted. Keir Starmer, the leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, has picked senior civil servant Sue Gray as his new chief of staff, Sky News reported on Thursday, as the party prepares for a national election next year. Levys return to the fold has also provided a big boost to Labours fundraising clout. For years, we shocked people with Corbyn as leader in the worst way possible and we now need to shock them in positive ways, the shadow Cabinet minister quoted earlier said. Starmer turned in some more relaxed performances at Prime Ministers Questions, starting to look more confident and suggesting that he had finally got the measure of Johnson. Labour is up 5-points on last week, perhaps suggesting a bounce after the autumn statement, although it is too early to know. It was the last bit that was telling, implying that there was no one around him who was prepared to bring him bad news honest feedback being a basic requirement of any functioning organisation, as Starmer would have known from running the Crown Prosecution Service. Under the British systems two-horse race, he reckoned he needed to do no more than position himself as the least bad option. His party trails Labour by more than 20 points in the polls. That has included reneging on his commitment to take back into public ownership key utilities, including gas and electricity. On policy delivery, the Government continues to struggle massively on the three key issues of the economy, the NHS, and immigration. Of course, the Conservative Party will take evasive action, up to and including changing leader, before the next election, but we can now see that Labours doom and gloom about Starmers anti-charisma and Johnsons Teflon qualities were overdone. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Sin Berry and Jonathan Bartley, co-leaders of the Green Party from 4 September 2018 to 31 July 2021. This is especially true for Labour voters, more than half of whom blame Truss (44%) or Sunak (10%) for the current crisis while only 11% blame global events. So will his left-wing opponents, and mainstream MPs who . Which will be only too evident as he addresses Labours annual conference next week. Indeed, Labours biggest backer, the union Unite, has reduced its contributions to the party in retaliation for Starmers efforts to shift away from the socialist policies of Corbyn. But worse, in colluding with the narrative of the Tories and establishment media, he has made a dirty word of socialism of any kind. Millionaires clearly want different policy priorities, but it matters to public opinion who is influencing the people who are supposed to be working in our interests?. Updated on 2 March 2023 at 8:00. While 50% of voters in Britain still see the Government Sunak leads as incompetent, the Governments net competency rating is only marginally lower now than it was in late January (down one point to -34%).