Read this just gave me more hope and Im imagining our relationship together, but I do not want to imagine this, cause the more hope I got, the more sad Ill be after I realise he doesnt give a fuck to me. Recommended Articles. So I executed my plan yesterday and my plans worked to the tee. Yet after a while sex becomes more of a distraction for this couple. As with the time their trust and faith increases, the Leo man and Pisces woman share one of the most compatible relationship. As confident and aggressive as he is, deep down him, he is still worried that his woman may take over, or try to. GOD, HE PROBABLY DOESNT EVEN KNOW I EXIST. Leo Man & Libra Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? She also puts love and the man she's in love with on a pedestal and idolizes him. I have mood swings and he plan before act I always ruins his plan but love makes us stick together. 28 Years ago I met my true love, we were both 17, it was Love at first sight! Okay, We (my crush and I) dont even talk yet, but these are details. For those three years I stayed single, but hes had serious relationships. i think you should be ok Iam pusces n my guy is Leo n u have to observe him n eventually u will understand him slowly n u shall be fine because we pisces want things to work out n we can blend in things v easily so u wont have issues I believe all the best, @mattchungkorea Hi Iam pisces women soni can understand very well. Another important point is: don't be selfish, in any way. I am a Pisces female and have been in and out of a relationship with a Leo man for over a decade. With my own money!! A Leo man and a Pisces woman are both driven more by emotion than logic, and this is one of the significant issues with which this couple will have to deal. On most occasions when he gets angry, a sensitive Pisces woman defends herself by crying, tuning him out, and giving him giving him space and time to settle down. Conversations are endless and our time together is increasing by the day. A Leo man and a Pisces woman are both idealistic when it comes to love and romance. Celebrity couples are both intriguing and baffling; while their love stories capture the hearts of many fans, it's impossible to truly know the inner workings of famous relationships. They don't listen to any pressure to conform. I met my Leo 3/2019 . She needs to let her loyal, generous, yet stubborn and proud lover know just how much he means to her. They can easily inspire each other and can be great muses to each other. Put a fire under water that's in a container, and it escapes in the form of steam, but the water of Pisces can't be contained. I love him. Pisces woman can be as promiscuous as she can be loyal. I have no advice to tame him but plan to move at his pace to find out because there is clearly passion around the corner, Honestly am a Leo man and am having the same issue with a Pisces woman , we fall hard in love and the taste of love is like blood to us we cant get enough of it (Leo) .its either you skip the friends phase and have him as a lover or he will get frustrated and shut down and eventually walk away .since we dont like to talk about our feelings and show our feelings without having the same treatment. He was soo happy with me and I with him. Pisces men are true slaves to their emotions . A Pisces woman may crave a deeper emotional connection. She loves her Leo and his mix between a mature man and a child at the same time because it gives him a particular charm. A Leo, when hurt, can become angry and defensive. So it was her break time and we had lunch together. 12 Celeb Couples Whose Zodiac Signs Prove They're a Love Match You couldnt ask for any better. The Pisces man is a mutable sign, and will work hard to provide what his Leo woman wants. well, now i still have my scorpio best friend and leo is gone. Though even a friendship between a Leo man and Pisces woman can be complicated. And she continued. In a long term relationship, like a marriage, both a Pisces woman and a Leo man will try to keep the pleasure alive. Every leo man secretly loves to be dominated by his queen since its the most unthinkable, intoxicating and mindblowing thing he can imagine. abuse-both mental and physical-manipulation, heartache, misery and tears. He is my best friend, the love of my life , and my soul mate . I cant tell if Im just emotionally withdrawing or regretting that I didnt try hard enough in my relationship now that its over. Now she has another leo man. The Pisces man will be disappointed and upset with this, and he will view it as selfish, which it is. Besides the fact that there are over 40 different astrological aspects that make up every individual chart. If youre not sure about your emotions and feelings then better leave her alone.. it must have been already extremely painful for sensitive and caring pisces womans soul. She blushed to the extreme but the thing was she never answered my question she said we had to talk during her break. Zodiac Signs Of These Perfect Bollywood Couples Say It All - Gossips Leos aren't typically planners, and. I just burst to tears and he came over and held me and started crying too. We have also already told each other that we love each other and it felt right. A Leo man instinctively knows she's dangerous, but he has a courageous heart, and that's why he works so hard to attract her. A trip with an elder or a mentor of the Leo man would help you both grow and learn. I will say that the part about multiple breakups is true. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign: Astrologys Big Three, Thanks to the explosion of astrology online and in social media, many people are taking a deeper dive into their personal astrology. While the Nawaab of Pataudi, Saif Ali Khan is a Leo (August 16, 1970), Bebo aka Kareena Kapoor Khan is a Virgo (September 21, 1980). This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man Understanding Leo astrology can help you get a better idea of what this sign looks for in a partner. The Pisces woman is ready to accept the dominance of her Leo man as long as she gets respect from him. And she doesnt really get along with the mother and the father. As for taming him, well, it is like wanting to fly a fish, but if he loves you and feels that you truly love him, that trust can make that lion a cat for you. On the other hand the female Leo is ruled by the . However, they do have that potential ii other aspects of their horoscopes line up in just the right way. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. Leo cant be what Pisces needs no matter how much he wants to and no matter how much he tries. Because they seldom lose confidence in their marriage, this couple may be . And you are too! The last one is a HUUGE deal! She follows along with her lovers rules and respects him as well. He is passionate but she may come to see him as intimidating. What is mine yikes. Well two days ago I planned something that I thought would melt her heart in letting me take her on a night out in the big city of New York. If this does not work for Pisces woman she may give up with the relationship. I really like him. She is dreamy, mystical and seems to him to be a bundle of secrets. This couple also struggles with practical matters in a marriage as neither is particularly keen on keeping track of finances, dealing with mundane responsibilities or setting boundaries with children if they have a family. A Leo man has an explosive temper. So be strong n adapt your sorrounding which we pisces r good at. Hes never shown jealousy of the men that are attracted to me but that could change too if I get physically involved with him. When Leo and Pisces join together in a love match, each partner enjoys the new perspective the other brings to life in general. I have only seen Sagittarius and Leo woman shut down sexual after having a organism. He's stable and provides an anchor and safe harbor for her. Like it doesnt matter to him! A Leo man is an extrovert who needs and wants to get out and be around people. I was married to a Leo for 5 years and he showered me with expensive gifts, trips, and made me feel ultra special. Pisces girls, dont hurt us. Nope. We have both made sacrifices and changed our ways for each other. Im a pisces dating a leo man as well but hes taking it slow with me. I honestly dont know how and why he still stayed with me. 24 Astro Combos That Could Fall In Love At First Sight A Leo man and Pisces woman may intrigue each other, but this couple can become embroiled in a difficult relationship that is more addictive than supportive. He already got married after one year of us breaking up. Hes an amazing romantic and goes slow with me because I have been hurt many times by guys in the past. During our lunch kept comparing me to her boyfriend on how I was way more romantic than him and etc. Famous Libra and Pisces Celebrity Couples 1- Christopher Reeve (Libra, 25 September 1952) and Dana Reeve (Pisces, 17 March 1961) 2- John Krasinski (Libra, 20 October 1979) and Emily Blunt (Pisces, 23 February 1983) 3- Paul Simon (Libra, 13 October 1941) and Edie Brickell (Pisces, 10 March 1966) Happy to say the marriage is over and I am moving on but still left with emotional wounds that will take years to heal. She respects him and makes him feel bolder and more masculine while the shower of love and pamper given by Leo man, makes her turn into a beautiful rose from a mere little bud. Never understand what ended us and everytime he gives different explanations that all dont make sense or add up. It's difficult to understand this without using fire and water as a metaphor. Im a Leo male & honestly, attempting to control me without communicating (which then would remove the control) is a downfall. I can say the sex even when we mad as hell with each other is always AMAZING and gets better. He has been giving me the space I need, has been very understanding so far, doesnt push me to make any decisions, lets me do things the way I need to, not the way he wants. Well, Im a little confused cause, being this site the third I see, there are things here that is different from the other sites. We need freedom and to dream and do what we wish. It was killing me. Sex is great! Little things like that are what I look forward to in a relationship, when a man notices things and shows you he cares about you and so far I couldnt have asked for a better man. Where the public only gets royally curated bits and pieces of Meghan and Harry's life, Riverdale fans. She's a chameleon and shape-shifter who presents herself as a fantasy of her own making. She's every man's fantasy woman, both in bed and out. Leo and Pisces' relationship compatibility has all the info you need on this Fire and Water sign pair. She is better off flattering her lover and watching his pride build and his loyalty get stronger. I am stuck between wondering if he really wants to get to know me or if he just really wants to progress the relationship. We met online and have been inseparable since then. She has to be smart, loyal, passionate and a good lover. Leo Man & Virgo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? You have to make her realize this is her life n she have the right to stay happy. Be creative. I broke up with her again in October 2021 and have texted/called a few times here and there (she initiated). Leo and Pisces dont match. Weve only been seeing each other for about two months but I feel like Ive known him for years because we have both been so honest with each other from the very first conversation. During our conversations I put out some feelers to let her now I was interested in her, which she took and returned. Dont let what these horoscopes say about you guys. I feel sorry for the poor girl. Although they do not have much in common, she will be mesmerized by his showmanship, and he . I believe it was live a first sight. I feel like my Leo man and I are soul mates in life! I caught him looking at me once, but then he didnt do anything else. He saw that I was afraid to let him in because of my past. I think once you both keep the communication open with each other and act maturely about the relationship then things would work out great. A Pisces woman is a paradox and an enigma. we were very different ,i am a true introvert and he was way too social and adventurous but no matter how different we were love kept us together, we changed our habits for each other. I feel you girl. Our community thrives when we help each other. This is the part where she told me she was in a 11 year relationship. Hi every one please give me the suggestion, i m pisces women & going to do arrange marriage with leo man can i do marriage, my family astrologer told me that do marriage with leo man, your both compability is not good your relaction will not go to far so dont doo, my mom belive this but i am not belive in astrologer to much, and that leo man is not beliver in all this things, so i m very confused please give me a sugesstion i like that leo man & he also like me i am a gujarati girl please reply me as soon as possible. Like what does that even mean? You can show them proof they they still beliebe themselve. A Pisces woman is prone to somber moods that can be depressive. This Leo is aggressive and wants to move fast. Im pisces myself if someone did that to me after me putting so much effort into the relationship Id be broken in pieces and never wanting even to hear his name. He enjoys the attention of women and will treat them all like queens, but the many he'll date are just ornamental playmates and laymates until he finds that extraordinary person who he believes best matches his romantic and idealistic notion of feminine beauty. Im a leo man. A Leo man and Pisces woman who are successful in love need to accommodate each other at every turn. And I am where he can come to be vulnerable and cry. My Leo guy and I dated online for 9 months until just recently when we broke up. He knows me like no other person knows me. its not like i need to leave him i love but i need someone that i can trust. A Leo may stick it out because of pride. If they are relying on each other as colleagues or creative collaborators for a project occasionally, thats fine. He talked about marriage a couple months after dating. I had a Leo give me the hardest time for years. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? This is why Meghan Markle couldn't be a more perfect choice to be next Princess of England (so to speak, of course). The sex is undeniabley the BEST! You meet a spiritual & logical Leo who admires his Queen & understands his emotions, youre winning. I am a Pisces women dating a Leo man. But I dont know how to feel about it. I think I did more so over guilt because I just felt sooo bad how I hurt her, and I feel she was trying to change. Leo and Pisces are two markedly different signs, conscious efforts to understand each other and to make adjustments are necessary in order for this relationship to be harmonious. She started to say that she was basically in a stick situation where the relationship she is in now has no spark. I will also admit that I have tried to test his temper about twice so far without him knowing lol to see if he would get mad and he was as cool as a cucumber and handled the situation with such ease. Degree of Friendship: Leo can be a great pal for Pisces, as she helps him feel more confident and secure. Horrible combination. Weve always had a spark between us. And he is so impulsive and annoying while Pisces needs care and patience. I want to because we were very very close friends before now. Aries (March 21April 19) "Aries has a strong need to be front and center, feeling as though the world evolves around them," Linda Furiate, an astrologer, tells Romper by email. Im talking to a Pisces woman and she is what i have been looking for almost my whole life i gave her this link. Im eight and a half years older than him. Buhh He Always Makes Me Not Want Too At Time.. My Leo and I have had disagreements but they are minor and I wouldnt even call them disagreements (theyre more like little debates lol) because he never raises his voice and I talk to him in my soft tone and we sort things out right then and there, then say we love each other. Emily Blunt and John Krasinksi prove that a Pisces and Libra can be the perfect couple. 2021 Horoscope will offer you a 'complete & personal guide' to the events expected in your life in the year 2020. Leo Man Pisces Woman Compatibility - Mystic Compatibility If a Leo man and a Pisces woman can work through their differences and come to an understanding of how to balance out each others personalities, they may consider marriage. I adore my Leo man! Also dont try to be in control. Libra Pisces Compatibility: Love Relationship, Friendship, Marriage He still says love you so Im unsure of his feelings towards me. Pisces are so emotional compared to Leo. What do I do??? They both give each other the freedom and love; they crave for and promise to return to each others arms. 25 years ago I started dating my Leo man . Been deeply in love with a pisces women in my youth and dated others, currently very excited and intrigued with one right now and doing some refresher research because id love for this to go great, shes a real catch. but he stayed the course. 1 Beyonc (Virgo) and Jay-Z (Sagittarius) At first glance it might seem like a practical Virgo and a free-spirited Sagittarius could never make it work, but Beyonc and Jay-Z show us exactly what. She even went against her familys wishes to be with me, moved out for me. I think it is true because I am dating a Leo and I am a Pisces so I believe pretty much everything this says. Usually, though, their needs are just too different. "At first, these two are wildly attracted to each other," astrologer Theresa Reed . She has escapist tendencies, can isolate herself, and throw rain on a Leo man's parade. They basically want her to be a person to bare a child and not work and to look pretty.they apparently disliked her getting education.