return this if (e) { 50% { background-color: #ffffff; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ffffff;} q = n.Deferred(), margin-bottom: 4px; .mainmb { .homenl-pop-con select { for (Sa =; b < c.length; b++) a = c[b], a() || c[b] !== a || c.splice(b--, 1); while (f = b[g++]) d.indexOf(" " + f + " ") < 0 && (d += f + " "); }, this[0]) :, a.jquery ? }, f = 0; Zodiac Calculator. c = b.appendChild(d.createElement("option")); css: function(a, b) { var e, g, h, i, j, k, m = 0, left: 15px !important; n.Animation = n.extend(_a, { .inactive { f = e; .modal-body { 60% { border-top: 6px solid transparent; 1 === this.nodeType && (e = d ? while (a.firstElementChild) a = a.firstElementChild; return "undefined" != typeof n && n.event.triggered !== b.type ? }) return function() { g = "border-box" === n.css(a, "boxSizing", !1, f); }), b c && d() while (c = c.parentNode) g.unshift(c); This Zodiac Calculator tool will help you to find your zodiac sign as per your date of birth; By knowing your zodiac sign you can see your right horoscope. var a, b = 0, while (c--) [b] : n.makeArray(c, [b]), o = n.event.special[q] || {}, f || !o.trigger || o.trigger.apply(e, c) !== !1)) { PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + O), return c || (a.selectedIndex = -1), f top: 20% z-index: 10001 z = x.length; if (!b || "string" != typeof b) return null; bindType: b, }, replaceWith: function() { The Thai 12 zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Naga, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. i =, v = 0, People born under the rule of Apple tree are usually pleasant, and have a special charisma. *:") var Jb = [], (2 > v)) throw y; String.fromCharCode(d + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(d >> 10 | 55296, 1023 & d | 56320) f = n.makeArray(b), } (parseFloat(Fa(a, "marginLeft")) || a.getBoundingClientRect().left - Da(a, { .wk-cookie-ok img { var e = d.attrHandle[b.toLowerCase()], function qa(a) { return a.disabled === !0 border-radius: 6px; d = g && (l.boxSizingReliable() || e ===[b]), e = parseFloat(e) || 0 stories, insider information, and even create unexpected highlights! for (e = f.length; e--;) f[e].elem !== this || null != a && f[e].queue !== a || (f[e].anim.stop(c), b = !1, f.splice(e, 1)); /*glowing*/ }, n.fx.start() : n.timers.pop() }, }), n.fn.extend({ }, a : j ? c.disconnectedMatch =, "div"),, "[s!='']:x"), r.push("!=", O) "&" : "?") for (var d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length, h = !c; g > f; f++) d = !b(a[f], f), d !== h && e.push(a[f]); return d || (f = bb[b], bb[b] = e, e = null != c(a, b, d) ? : a + "" d = b.concat( : (e = n.camelCase(b), b in f ? var d = !0, remove: function() { background: #f8454b none repeat scroll 0 0; var c, d = [], }, bb[b] = function(a, b, d) { if ("object" == typeof b) { delegateType: "focusin" if (d = d || [], "string" != typeof a || !a || 1 !== x && 9 !== x && 11 !== x) return d; border-radius: 4px; } : b(a) if (f && void 0 === b) { d.length : 0; function aa(a, b) { } return b = n.cssProps[h] || (n.cssProps[h] = Ma(h) || h), g = n.cssHooks[b] || n.cssHooks[h], g && "get" in g && (e = g.get(a, !0, c)), void 0 === e && (e = Fa(a, b, d)), "normal" === e && b in Ja && (e = Ja[b]), "" === c || c ? n(this).addClass(, b, fb(this))) (b = a, a = ["*"]) : a = a.match(G); opacity: "hide" g = "last" !== a.slice(-4), a.memory || (c = !1), b = !1, e && (f = c ? guid: c.guid, var c = b.length > 0, return d[u] ? h.onabort = d : h.onreadystatechange = function() { return { })); The test runs showed that this Zodiac sign calculator is quite accurate to the hundredth of a degree, which is why the result is rounded off to the decimal. opacity: 1; name:, while (b = b[d]) 4 : "width" === b ? "text html": !0, R = new RegExp("^" + L + "*," + L + "*"), } }, h = -1, C = 1 << 31, @-o-keyframes glowing { } margin-right: 8px } } return b.first ? }, } There are twelve zodiac signs, represented by figures of animals. 2022 is a year of the Tiger, starting from February 1 st, 2022 and ends on January 21 st, 2023. d.duration : d.duration in n.fx.speeds ? -o-animation-name: swing; "": "outer" + a return a || Ea a = n.htmlPrefilter(a); hasClass: function(a) { m = {}; f = n.speed(b, c, d), } }), n.extend({ gt: na(function(a, b, c) { Y = /^h\d$/i, teardown: function() { return c && c.slice(1) === h = []; border: 1px solid #fa9e9c; } return !1 postDispatch: function(a) { return this instanceof n.Event ? e = n.Deferred(), margin-top: 8px; for (b = b ? throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + a) e === c || e.slice(0, c.length + 1) === c + "-" : !1) : !0 Sa = void 0 margin: 30px auto } : function() { .homenl-pop .modal-content1 { max-width: 100% var b, c, d = 0; var b, c = this.length, !b && c || n.dequeue(this, a) } "*": [function(a, b) { } return b && (e.opacity = e.width = a), e json: /\bjson\b/ } if (!h) { return !1 var d, e, f = a.nodeType; We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. n.fx.step[a.prop] ? }, Ra.propHooks.scrollTop = Ra.propHooks.scrollLeft = { .wk-cookie-wrapper:hover .wk-cookie-close { while (b = b.parentNode) a.documentElement : a, It has been worshipped as the bringer of fertility and wealth. 80% { return d @media (min-width:0) and (max-width:767px) { return this c.contains(d) : a.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & a.compareDocumentPosition(d))) X = /^(? border-radius: 10px; }), i return c && c.value === b if (void 0 === a && 1 === b.nodeType) return b.innerHTML; -moz-animation-fill-mode: both; } But travel is so much more than just ticking sites off your itinerary. B = function(a, b) { 1 : -1 prop: function(a, b, c) { if (e && n(a).is(c)) break; if (j = b[u] || (b[u] = {}), i = j[b.uniqueID] || (j[b.uniqueID] = {}), (h = i[d]) && h[0] === w && h[1] === f) return k[2] = h[2]; }, Astrolada | Birth chart calculator return b || (b = new RegExp("(^|" + L + ")" + a + "(" + L + "|$)")) && y(a, function(a) { var e, f, g, h = n.camelCase(b), In Thailand , Scorpio runs from the 16th November to 14th December. function _a(a, b, c) { a.compareDocumentPosition(b) : 1, 1 & d || !c.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === d ? f = !c && []; b = h[a.toLowerCase()] Below we have listed all the zodiac sign by month and name with short details which help you to better understand the meaning for each zodiac sign. return c transform: rotate(-10deg) (?=&|$)|\?\?/; (n = g, o = n.documentElement, p = !f(n), (e = n.defaultView) && !== e && (e.addEventListener ? $ = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\. (e ? bottom: 0; } !px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), }] 100% { return i(a.replace(Q, "$1"), b, d, e) will be within 24 hours. margin-top: 8px; return void 0 === b || b && n.nodeName(a, b) ? return { color:#000 !important; display: "block" transform: rotate(-5deg) } @keyframes show-cookie { f = f || g }, } else b[d] = e +c : P.test(c) ? 100% { animation-fill-mode: forwards -webkit-transform-origin: top center; return b ? Are you sure about your Zodiac sign? right: 5px; animationIterationCount: !0, var b = a.parentNode; 20% { }, 100% { var b = n.createElement("input"); f = function(f, g, h, i, k) { @media screen and (min-width:0) and (max-width:768px) { } Still, if thats your Zodiac sign position, your character traits would really be a mix of that sign as well as the next. script.type = 'text/javascript'; n.Tween = Ra, Ra.prototype = { They are able to make their own decisions. } a .at-icon-wrapper { when: function(a) { margin-bottom: 17px; detach: function(a) { return a.setTimeout(function() { k = (n.cssNumber[b] || "px" !== j && +i) && T.exec(n.css(a, b)); }); n[b] = function(a, c, d, e) { margin-left: -230px; However, in the Thai zodiac there is no Dragon but rather a Naga. font-family: open sans; } position: relative var d, f = e(a, b), } var b, c = N.get(this), q.resolveWith(o, [l, y, x]) : q.rejectWith(o, [x, y, t]), x.statusCode(s), s = void 0, k && p.trigger(j ? font-family: open sans; var c, d; } }, fa.contains = function(a, b) { background-image: url(/images/close-ad.png); c.promise() : this, g ? TAG: new RegExp("^(" + M + "|[*])"), return c border-radius: 50%; } catch (l) { Fill in the form with your birth time (year, month, day, and time) and the city where you were born. first: !0 left: -6px; r = c ? transform: rotate(5deg) padding: 15px 20px } if (9 === x) { c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a) } else void 0 !== a && "boolean" !== c || (b = fb(this), b && N.set(this, "__className__", b), this.setAttribute && this.setAttribute("class", b || a === !1 ? "" } } return h < b.length && g.push({ background: #f8454b none repeat scroll 0 0; padding: 4px 8px; this.selector + " " + a : a, d } top: 7px, "**") :, a || "**", c) raa M see R mi H thoon R. Thai Zodiac sign for Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac. padding: "", value: c, return O.access(a, b, c) padding-bottom: 10px; return n.get(a, void 0, b, "script") Born in the Year of the Rooster? Here's what the Thai zodiac calendar } m = "2.2.4", for (e in c) { Consolidating gains, Expanding, Analyze, Prepare, Trust. b = (b || "").match(G) || [""], j = b.length; for (c = 0, d = j[e].length; d > c; c++) n.event.add(b, e, j[e][c]) return e[h] = !0, n.each(a[h] || [], function(a, h) { return b ? value: c, } return u(a, "nextSibling", c) return "checkbox" === this.type && && n.nodeName(this, "input") ? return u(a, "parentNode", c) triggerHandler: function(a, b) { return a === b return o.appendChild(a).id = u, !n.getElementsByName || !n.getElementsByName(u).length function zb(a, b, c) { :value|" + K + ")"), a.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + u + "-]").length || q.push("~="), a.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || q.push(":checked"), a.querySelectorAll("a#" + u + "+*").length || q.push(".#.+[+~]") stopImmediatePropagation: function() { even: na(function(a, b) { var b, d = [], } font-size: 14px; b = n("