One day, she loans $100 to her friend Alexei and has him swear that he will pay her back in one week's time. B. a. On the alternate track, however, Kenny is in a similar situation, and if the train is diverted he won't be able to free himself in time to avoid being killed. it is possible, since people who have divergent religious beliefs can still have shared values, such as justice, fairness, equality, and tolerance. According to Kant, his ethical theory is a direct response to Mill. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Social workers' primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients. Claim that morality is primarily about becoming a certain type of person. expresses a verifiable fact. Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Name the form of the following argument: If p, then q. p. Therefore, q. It takes rules dictated by a normative theory and attempts to prescribe the right outcome for particular cases based on that theory. Transcribed image text: 1 pts Question 3 Which of the following statements about ethics training is true? 6. Is the only thing that can be called 'good' without qualification One of Baier's critiques of 'male' moral theorizing is that it wrongly assumes that we have absolute freedom in determining our relationships, C. Men typically care about justice, women typically care about the caring relation. Who would agree without qualification? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? The National Association of Social Work (NASW) is the source for the code of ethics for professional social workers. Ethical Theories Quiz Questions And Answers. Cultural relativists may believe that their theory promotes tolerance of other cultures, but this belief has been challenged. Ethics are a basis for comparison. While hiking in the rain forests of South America, Martina encounters a creature that resembles a human being but clearly does not belong to the Homo sapiens species. ; It permits the employees for admitting mistakes. C. There are at least some people who have no sufficient reason to follow alleged moral absolutes. Information that is general or common knowledge must be cited. The idea behind __________ is that in any society, morality demands that people receive what they are due (what is fair). A. D. Ethics are a system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct. The Center develops policy designed to address issues in ethics and human rights at the state, national, and international levels. The notion that each person has rights that are inalienable or should not be taken away except in drastic situations is known as the: Which of the following is the best definition of ethics? PHIL 1404 PHIL 1404 Ethics and social Responsibility Review Graded Quiz 3.docx, phil 1404 Self-Quiz Unit 8 and terms.docx, Ethical decision making in business is limited to major corporate decisions with dramatic social con, 3 In calculating the net exports X N component of GDP the value of imports is a, 22 Lesson learning outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to 211, 9_7 Relative, Demonstrative Pronouns.docx, delivery convenience is a very important aspect where the customers would not, The balance in the prepaid rent account before adjustment at the end of the year, Optionality Analysis Because the Authority will be refunding these candidates, Which one of the following is a good password policy for an organisation a All, 33 The factors of production include all of the following EXCEPT A money B land, Normal blood pressure in the supine position c Rapid thready pulse d Cold clammy, // Suppose a drug-user is a bum and exhibits antisocial (but non-criminal) behavior. In 2002, the eighty-six-year-old war hero Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Jr., who had made a suicide pact with his eighty-nine-year-old wife, ended his life with an overdose of sleeping pills. You are having a briefing meeting with a new client and want to be sure to capture all of their comments, so you bring a tape recorder to the meeting. In his argument for relativism, Harman claims: A. But they have access to it so long as no one is blocking their way into hospitals or doctors' offices. A person who does not know how to swim is not morally obligated to jump into a pond to save a drowning boy, Commonsense morality distinguishes between doing our duty and doing more than duty requires, what are called supererogatory actions. Then, circle the word or words the adverb, adverb phrase, or adverb clause modifies. Moral norms c. Nonmoral standards d. Standard . B. Casual sex requires another person in order to receive sexual pleasure How might the destruction of the meadow reflect the impact of war? According to Halwani, fungibility is necessarily (always) wrong. Chooses an action from a sense of duty Are there companies you can name whose social responsibility actions you, Which of the following is not typically a characteristic of family rituals. What does Jarvis-Thomson grant to the pro-lifer at the beginning of her defense of abortion? B. Business ethics is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. True, False or OtherSexual intimacy with current clients or with known members of the client's family system is prohibited. (1) I should get a raise (2) because I complete all my projects prior to the deadline, (3) I arrive at work early and stay late, (4) and I always receive positive comments on my work. Code of eithics. A colleague asks you to help him shred some secret files that his department was keeping because the files suggest that some activities might have taken place which are contrary to company policy. Do you want to test your knowledge of social work ethics? Quiz: Kantian Ethics And Engineering Ethics! Based on your reading of the ABOUT Ethics in Accounting Reading Material (CA-4, given article 1) respond to the following:Ethics and Integrity Standards are based on the following, EXCEPT: Intellectual Property (books, music, movies) says ____________ is illegal. Africa? What is the case of the violinist meant to show? View ethics quiz 1 (1).docx from ETHC 101-B04 at Liberty University. B. Implies that if we think the moral law is good (simply) because God wills it, then we have no reason to think the moral law is good in itself - it gains its goodness because God wills it. She fears that a lack of health care is likely to worsen the situation of these immigrants, who may have escaped from horrendous economic and political conditions in their native country. Ethics uses argument and logic to make judgments of people's beliefs. Gay-Williams thinks that natural instincts are a guide for determining whether an action is right or wrong. Anthropologists contend that while some diversity of moral beliefs can be observed among different cultures, there are many areas of moral agreement across cultures, such as prohibitions against murder, lying, incest, and adultery. CONCEPT Benefits of Philosophy and Ethics 3 Kevin has thoroughly researched whether artificial intelligence can have free will. )Ethics sets rules for rational thought. He asks his doctor to prescribe him a lethal dose of drugs, which she does. 4. Suppose that both honesty and kindness are genuine virtues. Which of the following is a reason to reject that premise? If you need to learn some of these codes, then take this quiz to see how many questions you can answer JAN/FEB 2015 - SERIES 1 2015 Thus, the pro-lifer must show that abortion is unjust killing. B. Objectification is always morally wrong. Let's How good are your ethics? Suppose Katrina is a rule-utilitarian and is trying to decide whether generally following the rule "Young women under the age of eighteen should not be permitted to have abortions without notifying a parent or guardian" would maximize happiness. 1. What category does each of the following behaviors on the list belong to? Equalia's attempts are inappropriate, since there is nothing wrong with Oppressia's behavior, Name the form of argumentation that appears in the following passage: "If the dog barks, something must be wrong. It thinks we must resolve ethical debates through scientific inquiry. "No one can prove that a fetus is not a person from the moment of conception. Run-ons, Comma Splices, And Fragments Quiz! Ethics uses argument and logic to make judgments of people's beliefs. Ethics or moral We sincerely welcome you to our ethics practice quiz questions and answers. Someone other than the patient then chooses euthanasia on the patient's behalf. He gets the prescription filled, takes the lethal dose, and dies in his home, surrounded by family and friends. the view that moral judgments express attitudes and influence others to share those attitudes, Emotivists can admit that the serial killer Ted Bundy killed more than thirty women, but they cannot say that Bundy's actions were. On our platform, you will find the collection of the best ethics exam questions and answers. Cantal Asia? So it is necessary to constantly examine one's standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. Which of the following is NOT true about plagiarism? It is sufficient that Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, carefully consider the safety, health, and welfare of the public. She argues that it is not unjust to terminate a pregnancy due to rape. A person's ethical beliefs are affected by, Ethics Practice Quiz Questions And Answers. Ethics is not subject to the same of rigor as other philosophical pursuits. A person of integrity has knowledge about what morally constitutes the right things to do. Do you think that sustainable developmentis possible? Which of the following is probably the best example of a company failing to consider the impact of decisions on employees? Accountancy is the only discipline with a formal . If radical subjectivism is true, then there are no moral disagreements. According to Halwani, someone might think that fungibility is morally wrong because it is like treating people like pens or paper cups. Describe the difference between normative and descriptive ethical theories. What factors would you consider on whether or not to take certain photos from a gruesome scene of a crime or accident? Give it a try and see for yourself. If an act is legal, it must by definition be ethical. A debit card allows you to spend money by drawing on funds in your bank account, while a credit card allows you to spend money by borrowing from the card issuer up to a certain limit. ", According to critics of virtue ethics, one may be virtuous (kind, just, and honest) and still not know, which actions are right and which are wrong, According to Aristotle, the greatest good for humans is, Contemporary virtue ethicists argue that if virtues were eliminated entirely from morality, leaving only principles or rules of justice, the moral life would appear, It seems that a person can be benevolent, honest, and loyal but still treat a stranger unjustly. XX By understanding the different perspectives of the conceptual foundations, business decision-making may be enhanced. Circle Countries that came under the rule of a fascist government and dictator before WWII began According to Plato, the spirited part of the soul needs the virtue of courage. Asking yourself, ?Could I defend my choice of this option before a Congressional committee or a jury of my peers?? deontological ethics, in philosophy, ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. The difference between morals and ethics is that ethics is more of a social term depending on the group involved. that there can be irresolvable conflicts of virtues, In pointing out the shortcomings of rule-based ethical theories, the philosopher William Frankena says that principles without virtues are. B. The handbook implies that a person watching others behave unethically probably could have a significant positive effect on the outcome by speaking up, so the best course of action is to speak up. Maladaptive Daydreaming Test: Am I A Maladaptive Daydreamer. C. If we are trying to maximize the total intrinsic value, it actually collapses into Act-Consequentialism, A. The building opposite this one contain a superb library. That means I don't have to pay the money back to you." if you think eating animals is okay because they aren't rational, then you ought to think it might be okay to eat the mentally disabled or infants). Ethics is about determining what is moral and what is immoral. According to the Greek system of logic introduced by Socrates, normative, Based on what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions: How is the ancient concept of distributive justice understood in today's political debate? b.) Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Her sincere opinion is that the hat looks ridiculous, but she's hesitant to say so to Frank, fearing it will cause him to feel awful. The decision to close a plant and impose a mass layoff. In the argument "(1) Premarital sex is morally permissible because (2) it makes people happy," statement 1 is the __________ and statement 2 is the __________. In the business world, ethical behavior of individuals is evaluated by: Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the ethics handbook? Which of the following is NOT a reason offered by Marquis for why abortion is immoral? Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. Natasha's embrace of the Golden Rule obliges her to excuse Alexei's debtafter all, she must do unto Alexei what she would have done unto herself, For Aristotle, a person living a life of reason is living a life of, Virtue ethics claims that the right action is the one performed by the virtuous person and that the virtuous person is the one who performs the right action. According to critics of virtue ethics, this shows tha, the rightness of actions does not necessarily depend on the content of one's character, The psychologist Carol Gilligan upended the belief that men and women think in radically different ways when making moral decisions when she argued that men and women think in exactly the same ways about morality, Annette C. Baier argues that in moral theory there is a place for both, Carol Gilligan calls the approach to morality that emphasizes rights and rules an ethic of, Alison M. Jaggar writes that Western moral theory is said to. Therefore, she has decided to start a petition that will demand that undocumented immigrants get access to health care equal with that of any U.S. citizen, since every person, regardless of citizenship status, is of equal value and is worthy of equal moral consideration. a. I will say of the above because ,ethics are moral behaviors and they form the background of other things people do and apply on a daily bases, discipline is an aspect of ethics and if you are discipline, it is applicable to your work. c.) The IRS created the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in order to prosecute . The issue is regularly seen at home and school, influencing a kid's family, social, and scholastic life. Objectivity is vital to ethical thought. XX There should be no collusion between sellers of goods.