Water Conditions: 72-84°F, 1-8°H, pH 5.5-7.2 Additionally, provide fine sand or smooth gravel substrate. Sign up to our Seahorse Newsletter for exclusive offers. They prefer dimly lit waters. 3 Answers. The larger the tank the better. Severum can be aggressive when spawning, and for this reason should only be housed with other semi-aggressive fish. Relevance. Click on each picture to see a bigger picture. Providing the male with a choice of females will help. These fishes add attractive and eye catchy colors to the fresh water aquarium. Despite this large fish being easy to care for, it can be aggressive so it is best suited to more experienced aquarists. 1 decade ago. Updated Weekly. Green terrors Gouramis And mostly other Medium / large fish They are known to be semi aggressive . Adding a few large rocks would be appropriate as long as there is still plenty of open room for swimming and the water is not affected. Pandurini med More info; Chromidotilapia Sp. Redheaded Severum are closely related to Green Severum with some of the same markings, but is colored a bright red over the face, back, shoulder, cheeks areas, anal, and dorsal fins. Except during the spawn, Severum are relatively peaceful for their size, however, when housed in a single species tank, they may develop a mean streak. The larger the tank the better. They prefer an aquarium with dense plant vegetation and lots of shelter spots. answer #2. For this, driftwood, rocks, and caves will do since they mimic natural division in territories. It is a valuable and rewarding fish to add to your aquarium as they are relatively easy to keep as long as you provide good water quality. See all new additions to our stock. They lack the faint black bands of Green Severum and are a bright yellow color throughout the body. The exception here is that if the severum you buy (either green or gold) have been bred in Florida, they will be used to higher pH and harder water. We have various types of cichlid fishes available for sale. The tank water can either be fresh or brackish and the… An open breeder, the female can lay as many as 1,000 eggs on rocks. Our fish and our customers are treated with the best of care, and we work energetically everyday to make sure every customer enjoys their new fishy friends. The Green Severum requires a 30 gallon or larger tank that is at least 40 inches long and 20 inches tall. The water should be mildly acidic, soft with a pH of 6.0-6.5 and a hardness of dH 5. They are native to lakes and tributaries of the Amazon Basin. Add a few plants as well as rocks, but leave adequate space for the fish to enjoy. These are very beautiful, lovely, personable and quite durable fishes. Sexing [edit | edit source] It is not possible to sex juveniles, but mature males will be more colourful and have extended dorsal and anal fins. efasciatus, formerly H. severus), also known as the Rotkeil or Red Neck Severum, is a very popular mid-sized cichlid that has been kept and bred in the aquarium hobby for many years. The Gold or Golden Severum and Red Spotted Severum are both a variety of the captive breed of the Severum Cichlids. I noticed in one of my Tanks that my Green Severum tends to lose or fade his black stripes then gets them back within no time. Most types of Severum mature anywhere between 6 months to a year depending on lot of factors. At this stage monitor the aggression, male Severum's can get aggressive with each other defending a territory, remove the weaker male if needed. Size : 12 inches (31 cm) Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | dH range: 5 - 25 | Temperature : 75°F - 85°F (24°C - 29°C) Lifespan : 5 to 8 years, maybe longer. Discover (and save!) Although aquatic plants are not necessary, they can be included for aesthetics. Black spots travel along the lower body, starting behind the pectoral fin and a black band reaches across the caudal end of the body. Though not the true mouth brooding Severum species (Heros Severus), Red Spotted Severums are very attractive and grow larger than their mouth brooding relatives; not to mention their remarkable breeding colors of intensely bright orange-red on their bellies, anal fins, and pelvic fins in addition to their bright red eyes and beautiful green bodies with faint vertical bands. severums change colors depending on their mood, when they fight they turn dark, when they are just swimming they are green with its stripes faded, if you add another fish but doesnt wanna steal … Aquarium Diet: Green severum are omnivores and will accept cichlid pellets, insects, brine shrimp, blackworms, ghost shrimp, spirulina flakes, and daphnia. Once they pair-up, separate them & maintain … Care Level : Easy to keep and will adjust to a relatively wide range of water parameters. And want them to go to a good home . Adult male Redheaded Severum have extended dorsal and anal fins, with females being more rounded. Severum are found in calm, deeper, slower moving rivers and tributaries, as well as tannin stained floodplain lakes, usually around submerged branches and tree roots. The larger the tank the better. The best way to pair Golden Severum is by getting several juvenile males & females & letting them select their mate over time. Green Severum Pictures: above and middle a Juvenile 2.5" Severum, bottom 7" Severum. By Carmelo, 8 years ago on Tropical Fish. Famille : Cichlidae. The Golden Severum is a distinct captive bred color morph of the Green Severum. Leanne88. Compatibility: Single species tank Often confused with Heros severus, (previously known as Cichlasoma severum) Severum are a favorite South American cichlid kept by many tropical fish keeping enthusiasts. 01 459 5650 info@seahorseaquariums View our locations & Map, Tel. Size: 12 ″ Taille habituelle dans les aquariums de poisson : 25 - 30 cm (9.84 - 11.81 pouce) 0 14. 4r2ni. However, to produce many color varieties, they have been bred in tank captivity producing the brown, green, gold and turquoise severum. Nom commun : Le cichlasoma severum. 8 years ago. Care of green severum cichlid: Put the fish in a tank about 50 gallons. The Red Spotted Severum is a selectively bred color variant of the Gold Severum, with dark red spots covering the entire body, sometimes into the fins. and any other website that may be affiliated with the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program, Lake Victoria, West Africa and Madagascar, Chocolate Cichlid (Hypselecara temporalis) | Tropical Fish Keeping, Blackspot Pygmy Angelfish (Centropyge nigriocella), Black & White Bandit Angelfish (Holacanthus arcuatus), Peppermint Angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei), Nahacky’s Pygmy Angelfish (Centropyge nahackyi), Multibarred Angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata). Floating plants are recommended to diffuse overhead lighting. Green Severum. As juveniles you may notice more of the yellow or golden color on your Severum but as they grow they will turn more into the photo seen at the top of this page. Ireland Eir Code = D22 DP62 View Map, Unit 2, Kilkerrin Park 1 Liosban Industrial Estate, Tuam Road, Galway Ireland Eir Code = H91 KP70 View Map, Opening Hours Mon-Sat 9:30 AM - 6 PM Sun 11 AM - 6 PM. Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy Green severum Severums do best when kept in groups of 5 – 6 other severums and, with the exception of breeding, they’re peaceful fish. The Green Severum does not pair as readily as other South American Cichlids, and may take a bit longer. Please call in-store before purchasing any livestock (including corals and plants), as we may or may not have them in stock depending on availability and season. Minimum Tank Size: 80 gallons Green Severum have a laterally compressed, oval shaped, beautiful bright green spotted body with dark light vertical bands and bright red eyes. Nov 11, 2018 - Complete Care Guide including coloration, breeding, tank size, water ph & temperature. Hello Everyone,In this video we talk about Heros efasciatus, or more commonly know as the Severum or Banded Cichlid. Ensuring good water quality . The males normally have pointed fins and reddish-brown spots and worm-like markings on their heads. Nom Scientifique : Heros severus. Care Level: Easy Severum are mouth brooders and spawning occurs on a flat stone, a piece of slate, the outside of a clay flowerpot, or similar smooth surface. When you purchase pet fish from us, you know you're receiving premium quality fish and premium quality service. Some vegetable matter should also be included in their diet such as shelled frozen peas, blanched spinach, dried Spirulina, etc. Origin: South America The Redheaded Severum is one of the more beautiful severums that grow to 8 inches and live up to 10 years. But these are quite peaceful in nature I’ve had no problem as they are in a community tank , very easy to care for . Severum require clean water to thrive, so a good filtration system and regular water changes are essential to their well being. Family: Cichlidae The eye popping red coloration of this fish was selectively bred from Gold Severums. Red Spotted Severums are very similar to the Golden Severum in size and tank requirements. They prefer a lightly-planted tank with a soft bottom and a few rooted plants. Scientific name: this fish may be Heros severus or a hybrid of H. severus and H. efasciatus. 091 764 563 galway@seahorseaquariums View our locations & Map. Green Severum. It is known for the generous, deep red coloration that it develops behind its head as it matures. The South American Cichlids are very hardy and easy to care. Gold severum Care and Tank Setup. The dorsal and caudal fins are slightly whiter with yellow speckles. All Severum will do well in an aquarium with soft and acid water, but anything higher than a 7.2 pH should be avoided. Get the South American cichlids fishes at a very economical cost. When maintained alone, they can become nasty towards tank mates. This is a gentle beautiful Cichlid species that almost all owners come to love as a wonderful pet fish. Adding a few large rocks would be appropriate as long as there is still plenty of open room for swimming and the water is not affected. Hey guys, picked up a Green Severum for my 75 gallon office tank. Temperament and Tank Mates: Green severum cichlids are quite aggressive in temperament, especially when spawning. During the breeding season, Green Severum develop bright red orange bellies, anal and pelvic fins. He and the GT started fighting right off the bat and kept fighting constantly. This is a spotlight on the Severum Cichlid (Heros Efasciatus). Positive identification can only be made after close examination of the genital papillae. Reason for selling as I want to downgrade to a smaller tank . efasciatus, formerly H. severus) is a very popular mid-sized cichlid that has been kept and bred in the aquarium hobby for generations. Although Severum can be housed in a large community aquarium with other relative peaceful species of same size, they do best in a black water biotope setup in a tank of at least 60 gallon capacity with a sand or fine gravel substrate, a few river rocks arranged into caves, several pieces of driftwood or bogwood branches, and some Indian Almond Leaves on the bottom of the tank. They require clean water and should be fed live or frozen bloodworms, chopped redworms, or tubifex to induce spawning. I feed all my gold severums this quality brand "omega one" pellets. The minimum tank size required for these fish is a 50-gallon tank – single fish. They have a tendency to prefer a lot of vegetable matter and will accept peas, lettuce, chopped zucchini, and chopped cucumber; they should also be supplemented with a variety of meaty and vitamin enriched foods such as live, frozen or freeze-dried ghost shrimp, bloodworms, mealworms, earthworms, … Tropical Fish Keeping participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties (.com, .co.uk, .ca etc.) The Green Severum carefully tends to its fry. Severum Cichlid Care If proper care is taken and appropriate water conditions are maintained, these fish can grow up to 10 – 12 inches in size and live up to 10 years. Home; Forum; Articles; Caresheets; Photo Gallery; Account. This can be prevented by keeping them with several conspecifics. They prefer a lightly-planted tank with a soft bottom and a few rooted plants. https://aqua-fanatic.blogspot.com/2011/05/severum-cichlid-profile.html The Green Severum is a trusting fish, and will often accept food directly from their owners hand. Severum have an iridescent sheen to their scales and off-white to green background colour. "Received my fish last night and was so pleased! Tropical Fish Keeping participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties (.com, .co.uk, .ca etc.) Answer Save. Quick Care Facts • Care Level: Moderate • Temperament: Semi-aggressive • Maximum Size: 8" • Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons • Water Conditions: 72-84° F, pH 6.0-7.5, dH 5-10 • Diet: Omnivore • Origin: Amazon Basin, South America • Family: Cichlidae • Species: Severum • Aquarium Type: New World Cichlid / Community Aquariums Le cichlasoma severum - Heros severus. Females usually have a dark patch on the dorsal fin. Redheaded and Red Spotted Severum are less common and demand a higher price online and from specialty fish shops. In an aquarium environment they are not fussy eaters and will accept live, frozen, or freeze whole foods, such as blood worms, small red worms, tubifex, small shrimp, etc. The Green Severum requires a 110 litres or larger tank that is at least 100 cm long and 50 cm tall. The Green Severum is a carnivore and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets. The Green Severum requires a 110 litres or larger tank that is at least 100 cm long and 50 cm tall. Is this common? Free next day delivery on orders over €150. It is a gold and orange variation of the wild form Green Severum, also known as the Banded Cichlid. Because of their large adult size, it is recommended that they be housed in the largest tank available regardless of their purchase size of 2″ to 6″. Green Severum male or female? Tel. Seahorse Aquariums Ltd Unit 3, St Joan’s ind Est Turnpike Road, Ballymount, Dublin 22. and any other website that may be affiliated with the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Severum are omnivorous and in their natural habitat prey on small fish, insects, small crustaceans, worms, and vegetable matter. Green Severum are omnivores and eat insects, small crustaceans and vegetable matter in natural habitat. Severum are substrate or cave spawners that are relatively easy to breed in an aquarium environment. Max. 48 hours Guarantee - If your fish, coral, plant, or invertebrate doesn't arrive alive and stay alive for 48 hours, we'll credit your account or refund your money. Please note that prices may vary depending on the available sizes and specific species in-store. Favorite Answer . We walk through the background on these cichlids, as well as a care guide. Posted on 21 January 2019. Turquoise Severum, Red Shouldered Severum Additional scientific names Chromys appendiculata, Chromys fasciata, Cichlasoma severum perpunctatum, Heros appendiculatus, Uarus centrarchoides. Severum fry are relatively large and are able to eat newly hatched brine shrimp or commercial powdered food as soon as they are free swimming. Diet: Omnivore The Gold Severum (Heros cf. Tags: Severum (Heros efasciatus), tropical fish keeping. as well as floating cichlid sticks or flakes. Temperament: Peaceful please let me know. Males are larger, exhibit worm like markings on their gill covers, develop extended dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins, and often develop a nuchal hump. Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate, […] kept in a community tank environment with other peaceful South American cichlids like Jurpari, Severums, Uarus, and larger cyprinids, characins, catfish, and […]. Lifespan: 8-10 years The fish are excellent parents and both male and female will guard the eggs until they hatch, and then mouth brood the fry. Green Severum have a laterally compressed, oval shaped, beautiful bright green spotted body with dark light vertical bands and bright red eyes. Color Form: Green, Red, Yellow The Golden Severum has a pale yellowish gold color with a yellow anal, pelvic and pectoral fins. Severum can be aggressive when spawning, and for this … They all arrived alive and appeared to be healthy. Please login or register to write a review for this product. Severum - Care information, recommendations and advice on health, diet, compatibility, breeding from the members of fishkeeping.co.uk . For a long time this fish was called Cichlasoma severum. The temperature should range from 25-28°C. Niveau de pH recommandé pour l’espèce : 6 - 7.5. 3,151 3.2K. They prefer a lightly-planted tank with a soft bottom and a few rooted plants. The Green Severum, also known as the Banded Cichlid, is a color variation of Heros severus Severum. at what size will the "squiggle" patterns on a male green severums face appear? Severum (Heros efasciatus) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as Green Severum, Red Spotted Severum, Golden Severum, Hero Cichlid, and Banded Cichlid are found throughout the main channel of the Amazon, the rio Solimoes, and rio Xingu in South America. The Green and Gold Severum are the most commonly sold species available to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts. The Green Severum is a trusting fish, and will often accept food directly from their owners hand. Differentiating between the male and female is very difficult. Showing 1–20 of 32 results. Maintain suitable water temperature, and change the water weekly or bi-weekly. During the breeding season, Green Severum develop bright red orange bellies, anal and pelvic fins. Aug 26, 2019 - Pielęgnica severum - ryba akwariowa, hodowla, rozmnażanie, tarło, gold, złota, red, akwarium, pielęgnice severum, Heros efasciatus, wymagania, opis Peruvian Green Severum 1.25 inch More info; Blue Polar Bear Cichlid sm More info; American Red Parrot Fish 3 inch More info; Mesoheros Atromaculatus 2 inch More info; Texas Cichlid 1.75 inch More info; Green Texas Cichlid 1.5 inch More info; Apist. Males are larger, exhibit worm like markings on their gill covers, develop extended dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins, and often develop a nuchal hump. However, a 100-gallon tank is required for a breeding pair or community tank. The Red Shoulder Severum (Heros cf. Oct 13, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Reynaldo Grullon. your own Pins on Pinterest The best way to develop a breeding pair is to keep several juveniles in a large tank until a pair forms. Wild Severum, the Green variety, are one of the most peaceful of the larger South American cichlids and except during the breeding season, usually do not bother their tank mates. A minimum of 50 gallons tank with a pH of 6 – 7 is recommended for severums to thrive. May vary depending on the dorsal and anal fins, with females being more.! It is known for the fish to enjoy mate over time a 50-gallon –. Severum for my 75 gallon office tank walk through the background on these cichlids and... Red Shouldered Severum Additional scientific names Chromys appendiculata, Chromys fasciata, Severum... Become nasty towards tank mates included in their diet such as shelled frozen,. 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