More than a millennium ago, vampires were demonic vectors of disease, possibly reflecting the very real threat of rabies. The story of the Rougarou (the Louisiana swamp monster) is not a new tale to anyone that lives or grew up in Louisiana. According to these legends, the Rougarou when it comes across the pennies will begin to count them. The creature was black, hairy, and walking upright on two legs. The Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival Just Might Be Louisianas Biggest And Baddest Foodie Event, The Historic Restaurant In Louisiana Where You Can Still Experience The Old American South, Treat Yourself To A Homemade Ice Cream Cone At The Sweetport In Louisiana, This Train Restaurant In Louisiana Is The Most Enchanting Place To Eat, 7 Folktales, Legends, and Superstitions Every Louisianian Has Heard At Least Once, The Sinister Story Behind This Popular Louisiana Swamp Will Give You Chills, The Story Behind This Legendary Swamp Monster In Louisiana Will Give You The Chills, 7 Creepy Louisiana Ghost Stories That Will Make You Sleep With The Lights On, Wanderluster/E+ Collection via Getty Images, Cavan Images/Cavan Collection via Getty Images, Troy Harrison/Moment Collection via Getty Images, 2ndLookGraphics/E+ Collection via Getty Images. A cattle bridge that crossed the Yellow Water River was mentioned as a landmark in the report. Modern claims of Rougarou sightings are few and far between, however, unlike reports of something strange seen in the swamps of Honey Island. The Legends Of The Rougarou In Louisiana May Send Chills Down Your Spine Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. Deep in the rural wooded swamp of Livingston Parish and young girl was having a friend of hers spend the night. If you decide to attend the festival or find yourself around the swamps, make sure to remember the tricks and tactics we covered in this article. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is one of these crafty cryptids on display in a small museum? A few seconds passes and she started to feel a fear building inside. When many of the French migrated to Canada and the southern United States, they took the legend of the loup-garou with them. 22. I remember when the physician shot himself here in Lockport. The student would take evening walks while saying the rosary. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Numerous ghost sightings have been reported over the years, making it one of the most haunted landmarks in the USA. The K-9 unit lost the scent once it ran into the marsh. Have you ever heard of the Rougarou or another scary Louisiana monster before? She finally located the purse she grabbed it and quickly ran inside the house. Where are you from? Kliebert got no response. Discover the secrets of Louisiana lifestyle and explore Ruston, home of the Peach Festival. It had a face like a man and the body of an animal, said Herman Broom. Dont believe us? She describes the Rougarou as "an important identification marker for South Louisiana's culture." Perrin's statement is quite obviously true due to the Rougarou's clear influence in local culture and beyond. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have successfully subscribed to the PeachTown newsletter. Also known as Cajun fairies, these creatures can be either good or bad depending on the circumstances. 9 Scariest Louisiana Monsters from Folklore, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Rougarou, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Cauchemar, 6 Exercises You Can Do with a Resistance Band, 4 Southern Traditions You Should Know About. 1989 St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. That festival is cool because it links folklore to current issues and things that people need to be aware of, Rabalais says. When the first drop of blood is drawn, the creature returns to human form and tells the attacker who it really is. The Rougarou, also known as the loup-garou, is essentially Louisiana's bayou-dwelling werewolf, and it's a prominent figure in Cajun folklore. He has the body of a man, head of a werewolf, and sharp teeth that can seamlessly tear through flesh. However, it is unlikely you will find any real pictures of a Rougarou, if there are any, as most claims of sighting have turned out to be a hoax. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. Subscribe to the Pelican State of Mind blog by providing your email below! Apparently that was a thing they did back then. Stumbling upon the LObservateur article reignited my borderline obsessive interest in these types of creature sightings. In the late summer of the early 90s (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The woman also reported finding hair all over the yard front steps, and porch. Driving west on Airline Hwy. A spell that as you will soon find out is not that easy to break. An illegal moonshine distilling business once drove much of the area's economy, but competition could be shot down without any repercussions, according to the article. The bright lights of the stars flicker in the murky licks of the waves near the towering, ominous Cypress trees. Required fields are marked *. But for decades, hes wondered about one of the swamp's fabled creatures the Honey Island Swamp Monster, a legendary 500-pound beast that some claim hides amid the cypress trees andmurky waters. Stories of the rougarou in Louisiana derive largely from 16th-century French legends of a beast called loup garou, essentially a werewolf. Wow, this is most definitely going to be my art project gonna be difficult but I'll get it done. This suggests an explanation for the abundance of stories from locals about seeing a Rougarou for themselves. Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. It was eventually through the Cajun French that the name Rougarou came to be. Modern claims of Rougarou sightings are few and far between, however, unlike reports of something strange seen in the swamps of Honey Island. I used to have nightmares including the Rougarou as a kid and seeing this is crazy that its something based on my home state. A woman reports that several nights before the actual sighting there was something rummaging around underneath ther house. Other more out there schools of thought would suggest that these creatures or of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie. What he described to me, in my mind was a Bigfoot sighing. Was there really a monster in the swamps? Sam and Dean had a struggle with this one. [12] The legend is believed to have originated from French Canadian immigrants in the late 1700's. There are hundreds of light . The curse is transferred when it draws another human's blood. I tend to lean more on the flesh and blood theory but I think it is important to keep all possibilities in play. A Police officer and his partner, responding to a neighborhood prowler call. I remember he kept repeating something to the effect of look, Im not sure what I saw. At that time the only reference I had to Bigfoot was a few TV shows and a book I checked out a few times from my schools library. Other Curious Louisianaconnects readers with our newsroom's reporting. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France, when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. About four weeks ago, PB and his 5-year-old daughter were walking along their long dirt driveway that leads to their home. The only way to arrive at the truth is to keep your mind open to weirdness. Official Post from Deborah Hatswell BBR Being Believed Research & Investigation document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have successfully subscribed to the PeachTown newsletter. Over the last century, hurricanes, sea level rise, and problematic development projects, such as damming the Mississippi River, have caused Louisiana to lose more than 2,000 square miles of land. The Rougarou has also been tied to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. The line on the trees in this picture taken Nov. 16, 2017, shows the swamp's typical high-water mark, which generally arrives in the spring. The dark figure crossed the road from the passenger side to the driver side, so it was traveling due south when it crossed the road. According to some other accounts, the process of transferring the curse involves the willingly human drawing the blood of the Rougarou. The sounds grew faint as the creature traveled deeper into the woods until they faded completely. It is known as the most haunted road in the entire state. Their curse usually comes from a local witch, sometimes a Voodoo priestess. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. Oh wow that sounds like an interested read, Bill! Your email address will not be published. I was compelled to dig in further to see if I could find more sighting reports in the Southeast Louisiana area, if only to substantiate these other reports. They had no clue to what creature could make such a sound. Hi, I live in Terrebonne Parish near swampy land that was formerly called Devils Swamp. In closing Ive always considered Yeti to be more of a possibility than a werewolf. My Encounter With a Rougarou "aka Louisiana Werewolf". But as with all great monsters, certifiable proof has been elusive. When I asked Mr. Nameless if the creature was covered in hair he told me that he could not make out any detail other than the figure was large, and almost black. In an interview conducted by Carter Buschardt, the officer stated that he went back to look at the end of shift report he filed the night of the encounter, but was unable to find the report. They look for blood donors who are willing to sell them blood, and yes, they drink it. Catholics are told it will hunt down and kill them if they don't obey Lent. In others, they are demonic forces that play tricks and lead you to your demise in the swamps. Frequently referred to as beast in the story, the part-man, part-animal with piercing yellow eyes has appeared in several anecdotes by self-styled witnesses since the 1960s. He flagged me down to speak with me. The anonyms Laplace man said he was out near Ruddock with a friend, they were clearing land with a bulldozer when they came across footprints in the mud that were at least 19 inches in length. That's how I knew it wasnt a bear, another witness reported. Rougarou Fest/Facebook. We know what you are probably thinking. troy landrey talked about it on swamp people. Whether the Rougarou is truly a cryptid stalking the streets at night just waiting to pass its curse on to the next unfortunate soul, or whether it is merely a tool used to scare Catholics into keeping Lent, it is clear that the Rougarou has left its mark on Southern Louisiana. Full report can be found at The officer reported that the creature crossed a 22 foot wide street in three strides. Whatever he saw had Mr. Nameless so unsettled that even from the safety of his truck was hesitant to pass where the creature had crossed. The cryptid, usually described as a towering, hairy monster, is allegedly a human cursed to take beastly form. Growing up, my Mom always called it the Wigawoo, and I never knew any different til I was 30something. What he told me next has stuck in my memory, and was the spark that lit the flame regarding personal interest I took in all things weird, and strange. Frogs croak their songs in the distance and mosquitos buzz as they fly around looking for their next meal. I got more specific with my search terms and soon stumbled upon something that reignited the idea of a creature like Bigfoot existing in our parts. Talk of the monster, of course, is also a staple of some of the swamp tours operating in the area. Two dead squirrels and a dead rabbit were found under the house where the creature had been rummaging. Discover Louisiana's legendary werewolf: the Rougarou. When travelling down the interstate or the backroads in Louisiana, youll see lots of beautiful scenery. He might even be neighbors with the Honey Island Swamp Monster, which is also known as Louisianas bigfoot of the swamp.. Registration begins at 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, and the contest begins at 4 p.m. The beast is also a hit in pop culture here in Louisiana. There wasnt much to his story, but the seriousness of his delivery, and the apparent reluctance to tell me, gave his words credence. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide. I think its fascinating,'' said Brettel. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. These loup-garous became a fear for many people in the country, leading to them earning their place in legends passed down to children. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The friend described a chilling encounter one warm morning. Its rumored that Lutins can take any form, including cats (especially white ones), hobgoblins, elves, and other strange creatures. The sounds stopped just before it would have broke the tree line and became visible. 1990-1992 (early 90s) St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. Your email address will not be published. The different versions of the Rougarou beast are as many as reported sightings of the beast. Their full transformation into their Rougarou form would be completed once they had their first bite of human flesh. If you werent already aware, New Orleans has a prominent vampire subculture. This legendary creature of Cajun folklore is often depicted in literature and images as a man with a wolfs or dogs head. The story of the Rougarou supposedly changed once French immigrantsor possibly also French-Canadian immigrantscame to live in the area that is now Louisiana. Back in the thick, fog-covered swamplands is where youll find the true beauty of Louisiana and perhaps even a monster or twoincluding the legendary beast called the Rougarou. Foret is now director of the South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center, a nonprofit that educates students, in the classroom and on field trips, about the challenges of sea level rise, climate change, and living in a coastal communityone still recovering from 2021s Hurricane Ida. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. She described it also as being tall and hairy and went on to further say that it was almost so white it was glowing. She also described the creature to be staring in her direction. Turns out voodoo is still in. If this witness tells anyone about this encounter within a year and a day, they will become a Rougarou themselves. They described it as a cross between a whimpering dog and human crying. Generations of children have heard the scary. In 2011, Foret launched Rougarou Fest in Houma, Terrebones parish seat and largest city, as both a fundraiser for the center and a way to revive the fading cryptid tradition. The officer that submitted this report has over 40 years in military and law enforcement, a degree in Anthropology, and self educated in Darwinism, math and quantum physics. I want more! It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. I came across a LObservateur article that ran around Halloween 2002, titled: Let the haunting good times roll. Kliebert tried to communicate with the giant, asking who are you? Outside of Louisiana, the Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio has a rollercoaster named Rougarou. I am a journalist from Louisiana who has always been fascinated by folk lore and its cultural impact. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. For Foret and many other Cajun residents in the area, the real possibility that climate change will eventually force them from their homes is particularly upsetting. Louisiana is a lovely place to visit. A close friend of the family who was on his way to pick up his girlfriend, she lived down the street from my dad. It's okay, because we're here to bust them! A recent novel called The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. The man dropped his gun and ran. The Rougarou is also thought to be nothing more than a bogeyman story to scare children or Catholics into obedience. By the end, youll know the scariest rumors circulating in cajun land. I believe that people are seeing these poor mangy bears instead of werewolves. Folklore will have us believe that a Rougarou has the opportunity to change back to a human after 101 days, but only after finding another human who is willing to have the curse transferred to them. The Rougarou is an important figure in Cajun legends. Case closed. This was one interesting problem that they had to deal with centuries ago. After years of inbreeding, their appearance became less and less human-like, resulting in what people now call The Grunch. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. Immense fear or indifference could be contributed to psychic phenomena that are sometimes reported with these types of sightings. Considering how many hunters love senselessly killing wild boars, we really cant blame the swamp monster. Described as looking like a sloth, the creature was covered in a light grey hair, had a small round head and a brown nose. Often the story of the Rougarou has been used to instill fear in the hearts of Cajun children as a way to command obedience. As it gets to 13, it becomes confused. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Countrys answer to Bigfoot. And we value equal representation for allso they deserve a spot on our list of the scariest Louisiana monsters! He slowed down when he saw it because he got the impression that this was not a man. The officers came around the corner of the house and saw a creature standing up, pressed against the side of the house, trying to maintain cover. These stories were used to keep children in line and out of the woods. Why do Bud's Broiler's burger prices conflict? The creature stood upright on two legs. 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Some months prior to this her entire family told her they hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by a gurgling noise coming from the woods. In a 2008 Fox News special,people claimed they'd seen the beast. The earliest report takes place in the swampy forest of Back Vacherie in 1891.An excerpt from Along The River Road, Past and Present on LouisianasHistoric Byway by Mary Ann Sternberg. Cajun legend says that the beast hunts down Catholics who dont follow the rules of Lent, which is similar to the telling of the old French stories. In fact, instead of wolfish features, most Cajuns will describe the rougarou as resembling a dog or owl. How safe are you from this magnificent monster? The human animal sobbing sounds were also accompanied by the snapping of branches and the crackling of leaves that gave the impression of something large moving through the woods. Great words, you could make a short story out of that Peason Ridge setting! For instance, in 2015, the floorless roller coaster Mantis was renamed Rougarou. The 12 year old that was operating the mini-bike accelerated so hard that thier cousin fell off the back. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. The article does not specify if this happened in the same area that he and his friend found the large footprints. In Assumption Parish it is common place for house to be built substantially off the ground to withstand inevitable flood waters. The tales of the Rougarou have many variations, but it is mostly described as being a hulking beast, up to 10 feet tall, with the hair covered body of a human and the head of a wolf or in some cases a . Remnants of history freckle the map, whether its old and potentially haunted buildings, abandoned theme parks or even museums with some very strange collections. For more information, visit the Rougarou Fest website, and don't forget to give them a follow on Facebook so you don't miss out on any announcements. The article contained a short anecdotal account of an unnamed Laplace man that in 1983 saw something correlates with what Mr. Nameless saw. Apparently, when a person changes into a Rougarou they forget how to count past 12 (probably since they only worry about midnight and the moon at this point). A student attending St. Josephs seminary college had an experience that cannot be classified as a sighting, but rather and auditory experience. The New Orleans Pelicans, Louisiana's NBA team, were formerly known as the Hornets. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. It was enough just enough working knowledge for me to form an opinion. However, according to other accounts, there is no escape from the curse. Full report can be found at After the initial sighting by the husband, the wife reported that a neighbor came by in an adjatated state. There she saw standing next to a tree 25 feet away a creature that she described as being extremely tall and white. There are multiple categories you can enter, including ones for kids and pets. For those of you who haven't heard th. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide, US Ghost Adventures New Orleans Ghosts Review. The jury is still out on this one, because people cant seem to figure out exactly what the Lutin isand theres good reason! Or else you may find yourself prey to the legendary Rougarou. Your email address will not be published. Personally, Id never hear about something terrible and say, Yep, thats definitely the work of a werewolf. I realized that parts of our folklore and our oral traditions were getting lost, he says. Cauchemar is a monster that leaps out of childrens dreams and rides their backs. There are also stories of an enormous monster that also shares the bayou with the Rougarou and that is the Honey Island Swamp Monster, which is also known as Louisiana's "bigfoot of the swamp." Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human . When the child saw the dog transform into a man, he dashed home to tell his family. On a moonless night those are the darkest woods Ive ever trekked through.that includes the Black Forest, Mark Twain National Forest Missouri, the hills of West Virginia, and the Pine Flats in New Jersey. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. There also exist more supernatural explanations for the origins of the Rougarou. The two children ran the entire way home, about of a mile. Mr. Nameless is still is not 100% sure what he saw that evening down Peavine Road, but from time to time he still thinks, and wonders what that large dark figure that crossed his path could be. This continued for 15 minutes until the sound started to travel away. Every year in October, there is a festival held in downtown Houma called the Rougarou Fest. But now, the story of the once-terrifying rougarou is changing, along with the coastal wetlands it has long called home. In another variation of the story, the half man half wolf monster targets and kills Catholics that have failed to follow the rules of Lent. It was getting late so I was heading back to my dads house for the evening. This will perplex it, and it will keep recounting until the sun comes up and it must flee. According to folklore, a Rougarou is a human that has been placed under a spell. Its fingernails are grisly claws. I had relatives that lived in Covington," Brettel said. Curious Louisiana explains it's not all random. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. That kind of transformation happens and I suspect that whats going on with this festival., But unlike sexy vampires or friendly alligators, Forets rougarou has been reimagined to champion a specific cause: protecting its habitat, which in turn will protect our own. Their friendly, but often sinister, nature makes these Cajun fairies some of the most dangerous Louisiana monsters. Their body would then undergo a transformation, and they would develop a craving for meat. This beast first sighted in 1963 is reminiscent of the popular DC character known as Swamp Thing. No matter how you spell it, the Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaroo, Rugaru, or Loup Garou is a werewolf type creature living in the folklore of Cajun French Louisiana. The monster has its own Wikipedia pageand has been the source of numerous news stories and documentaries. There was thick wet swamp on both sides. One recent supposed sighting came from a woman in Harvey, Louisiana, who claimed she saw a Grunch eating one of her neighbor's dogs. The concepts surrounding the Rougarous supernatural abilities link it closely with traditional concepts of the mythical werewolf. Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. She says a local boy was being followed by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. Just hope this Louisiana monster doesnt get hold of you. The monsters reputed locale, in the Honey Island Swamp, has an ominous and deadly history that precedes the legend. The legend of the Rougaou goes back hundreds of years, originating in France. The French actually have a similar story of the Loup-garou. For decades, the equivalent of one football field of coastline was lost per hour; while the rate has slowed, the regions long-term prognosis remains grim. A version from the 16th century paints it as being seen as something similar to a genetic disorder, rather than the curse most other versions of the myth portray the Rougarou as being. "I heard the story from veteran hunters. The 2015 short film Atchafalaya centers around a game warden searching in a Louisiana swamp for a missing person who is hinted to have been taken by a loup-garou. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. Wow, thank you for that insight! After Ford's death, a grainy film reel was found in his attic that shows a large and hairy figure shuffling upright between the trees. It now craves human flesh and overturns small boats to devour and feast! The name changed to rougarou in Cajun Louisiana because l and r are linguistically liquid consonants and they change places a lot, says Barry Jean Ancelet, a Cajun folklorist and professor emeritus with the University of Lafayette. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. I'm considering creating a documentary on the legend of the Rougarou when I get some more free time in the future. No purchase necessary. Have you been told a different story about the Rougarou?
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