Each character definition is contained within the characters = { } block, which encompasses the entirety of the file to mark them as characters. UPDATE: Cheat does not work with the >1.10 version of the game. Makes the current scope truce with the specified scope. Removes a claim of the current scope from the specified state. Useful when making a country independent. Cannot be randomly selected. days = Sets the flag to last for the specified amount of days. Removes the specified idea from the current scope. Shows the value of a variable in the console. Adds the specified amount of command power to the current scope. if you don't boost fascism you run the risk of rebellion due to democratic tendencies. army = Will damage the army units. The same does not apply to research_bonus = { } and rule = { }, however. Elsewhere, random seed is unfixed by default, making this argument unnecessary to set to "no". Previously included the "parties" parameter, which has been deprecated by the "set_popularities" command. No by default. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. Executes contained effects on a random division that meets the limit and is located within the current state. y = The Y position of the entity. Generates a character for current country. Generic in the sense that the description is changed to not reference Germany. I've seen the mechanic in mods such as millennium dawn but I just don't know the command. These can only be used with characters of the unit leader type. An example of a scripted effect which will transfer every state entered as an argument to the country that runs the console command is, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.html, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.md, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tag_aliases, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/dynamic_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/*_l_.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/map_modes/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/autonomous_states/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/opinion_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/commmon/autonomous_states/, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/catergories/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_divisions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_ships, /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/army_icons/army_icons.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/upgrades/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/operation_tokens/*, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/state_category/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/scripted_effects/*.txt, PDXCON Forcefully refreshes the specified mapmode for the player, rather than waiting for a daily update. Optional.Equipment scopetype = The name of the equipment to produce.creator = The country which is producing the equipment. 2. Go a few lines below to max_traits=0.000 and add the following code block behind it, 5. Activates the specified mission for the current scope, ignoring any triggers for the decision. ideology group has shortcuts d f n c for vanilla HOI groups. Sets the legitimacy of governments in exile. The background used for country/unit leader portraits is found in /Hearts of Iron IV/tools/art/portrait_leader_background.png. You can reverse this behaviour by including the following line in the decision block: This is only for decisions. Promotes a character to the leader of their political party. Say Donald Trump is the leader for the Conservative Party, but then how would I make another Republican, say, Rand Paul, leader of that political party. Adds an exact freedom score modifier to the current scope. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Adds planning skill to the current unit leader. The division names group that the template will use, deciding on the automatically-generated names of any new divisions built using that template. on_cancel = The event to fire for the side on a draw. picture = The graphical reference of the picture of the leader. visible = { } is a trigger block that the character must fulfill in order for the unit leader to be visible and possible to pick. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is controlled by the country this is contained in. prioritize_location = If possible, this province within the state gets used. Optional, defaults to false. Bump? Here is the list of all HOI4 console commands and cheat codes for the game on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Adds legitimacy to a government in exile. All states that are cored by the specified country will be given to it. A faction leader in HOI4 is the leader of a faction. I tried using the command from the wiki, but it didn't work. Equipment scopetype = The equipment the country is licensed to produce. Deletes all units with a certain template. Removes a country leader role from a character. Optional, defaults to owner of operative.set_from = Sets the scope of FROM in scripted localization. For example, the leader of the Allies changes from UK to USA. target = The country to steal from. If set to "auto", will pick automatically. These are the ideology types in base game across groups, defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies/*.txt: traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 } is, similarly to advisors, a list of country leader traits that the country leader has, which would apply modifiers on the country if the character is leading the country. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is owned and controlled by the country this is contained in. Sets the specified character to also act as an advisor, activating if specified. A weight of 0 will result in it never appearing for randomly-generated unit leaders. Optional. logistics_skill = The logistics skill of the leader. modifier = The modifier on combat. Sets the position and rotation of an entity using two coordinates. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. disband = If true, will refund equipment and manpower. If the country flag inward_perfect_flag is set, it'll multiply the above chance of 30 by 1.3 to get 39. Optional. These scopes are used within effect scopes to control the execution of effects. Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. Deprecated. Uses a special interface displaying the current operative portrait. This example can be used as an effect in regular code as scripted_effect_name = yes. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign where it's positioned on the user interface, as well as deciding if and when it's possible to assign. These arguments are within the character itself. Executes contained effects on every operative that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. name = The new name of the character. These effects in particular are country-scoped effects that are related to states rather than effects within the state scope. Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign which characters are able to receive it. is_locked = Whether the division is locked to modification and deletion. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. end_wars = Will end any wars the subject is involved in. Creates an entry within the command history of a decision. On game versions prior to 1.12.8, the character must be already recruited by the country this is scoped from. The province scope is used for provincal level buildings. nationalities = { }The nationalities of the operative. add_autonomy [] [num], Increases resistance in the selected province by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Berlin) resistance 100, Increases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Danzig) compliance 100, Allows you to run more complex effects from script in the console directly. Add mines to a strategic region for the current country. Select state for state run scope, no scope = country scope, ex: Select Danzig state -> eval_effect POL_remove_danzig_effect = yes. The state where the capital of the current country is located in. message = The reason for peace showing up in the pop-up. - The situation is the Christian path is democratic. (Can declare war without justification), This is likely the most effective way of wanting to start a war. 5 8 comments Best Add a Comment GolferRama 5 yr. ago Good question SeductionFocus 5 yr. ago allowtraits. resources = { <> }The resources to which give resource rights to. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in. However, it also interferes with AI performance and is not a good indication of what the AI will do if observe mode is not used. OR: days = / The number of days to add the idea for. If the ideas have the same name in the localisation, it will show up as modifying the idea rather than swapping them. If, for example, you want to replace the leader of the nonalligned party, it'll look like this: completion_reward = { create_country_leader = { name = " (name of the leader)" desc = picture = (filename of the portrait you'll add in the gfx/leaders/ (countrytag) directory) expire = "1965.1.1" ideology = despotism traits = { } prefer_name = Name of ship in origin navy that will preferably be transferred to target navy. z = The Z position of the entity. autonomy_state = The type of autonomy state to set.freedom_level = The new freedom level value. Syntax limit_to_victory_point = yes Adds the specified amount of experience to the divisional commander. Every state of the original country immediately gets set as a dynamic country's core: if that's unneeded, the cores would need to be removed after creation. Please see the. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other naval order of battle. creator = The country that created this ship. After that, simply type in the relevant console command code, and slam the enter button. As we know we can change our leaders in HOI 4, with Britain being able to have Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Edward VIII and Oswald Mosely. However, meta effects will let you use variables and scripted localization within them to build effects as if they were texts and run them. modifier = The static modifier to apply. Removes one trait and adds another. These arguments are related to the menu for selecting traits. In total, the probability for an option to be picked is equal to the weight of the option divided by the sum of all weights. is_locked = Whether the division is locked or not. Recruitment cannot take place outside of country history. Does not work if you put another nations tag in the command such as "set_country_flag flag AUS", even if it says in console that it does. Adds experience to selected Leader/General/Admiral, add_equipment(ae) [] []. Select the state you would like to set owner as. If the trait is manually assigned only, these can be omitted. Demotes the current unit leader to Commander (if Field Marshal). Appends the value of this localisation key to the tooltip showing the effects of the trait. The character cannot be re-recruited after retiring. IV'. Used to define a diplomatic relation between the current scope and target scope country. Turns the targeted operative against their own country, transferring them to the current country. location = Location where the railway gun is created. Both traits require defining this to work properly. Forces the current operative into hiding. Country leader traits are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/*.txt file. Enables resistance for the scoped state when the occupier is the specified country. Fuel is, instead, in the resources section, while convoys can be added/removed with add_equipment_to_stockpile. spawnactor [name] [province id] [animation] Spawns an actor with the specified animation. Optional. An example with an advisor portrait, a country leader, and a corps commander portrait is the following: The portraits themselves are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file. Switches the specified character to the specified country. Hi modder, Im new here!So I am making a new mod for Siam about the minor taking power.How can I change party leader? About the flag, it have 3 different flag for each focuses. Optional, defaults to 0.5. Information, Frequently Asked There are two primary ways to ensure about creating it: Similarly to all other sprites, animated portraits can be done by creating a frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType. No tooltip is generated. ruling_party = The ruling party of the original, player-led country. Necessary for a balance of power to appear. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other non-naval and non-air order of battle. gfx = The sprite to change the GFX to. If the decision is on cooldown, it gets removed, in order to reactivate or remove completely. Enables an ability that can be used by the unit leader in combat. long_name = The long name of the country's new ruling party, appearing when hovering over it. template = If specified, requires the template name to match. Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit. Optional.org_damage_multiplier = The bonus to grant. Mana in this usage means political power, stability, war support, and other values in the topbar. Point Specification Draws a leader line segment to the point specified and continues to prompt you for points and options. Removes the balance of power in entirety. navy_ratio = The size of the naval forces that the breakaway country gets. Cancels an on-going border war without a winner. Optional, defaults to false. Effects are carried out once when triggered by the rules around it. Does not support. Modding: How to change leader via focus tree/events, I want to make my current leader disappear and have another leader come about, if anyone can tell both how to do that with focus trees and events then I'd be grateful (even more if you say which one would be more easier or effective), Have a program to edit the focus tree files (I use the trial version of Sublime Text). Dump AI front data to log file, needs to have a unit selected, Toggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics, building_health(bhealth) [] [] [] []. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. The effects within an unfulfilled if statement (or an else/else_if that's not read due to the if statement being met) will be hidden from the player, and so will the trigger. Optional, assigns one automatically if omitted. The effect does nothing if the country exists. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and borders the country this is contained in. Adds a province modifier to the specified provinces in this state. copy_tag = If specified, copies stuff from this tag rather than the original tag. It may not display this or other websites correctly. election_frequency = How often in months an election occurs. amount = How much decryption to add in flat numbers. Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the No Step Back DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. Questions, Paradox They are a one-time change to the current condition of the game, without the ability to have a lasting effect. value = <0-1>How much collaboration will be set. Must be used within the overlord's scope. Recalls volunteers sent to the specified country back to the current country. Toggles occupation painting. Releases the specified non-existent country as a free nation within the current country's controlled states. A comment of podcat about the command been found, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 17:21. Mandatory if a variant needs to be created to produce the equipment, optional otherwise. rotation = The rotation to apply after the positioning. base_bonus = The backup bonus if no tech is available. Makes the current scope start a peace conference with the specified scope on the other side. The current scope grants military access to the target country. I just need a way to change the faction leader. Other Valid ideologies "communism" "democratic" "neutrality", Removes the Danzig modifier from Danzig if that state is selected. Do I need to make a new country/country tag to make it different or I can stay with the same tag without corrupt in the code? Adds the specified brigades to first available slots of specified columns to the template (if possible). Adds the nationality to the current operative. A character has an advisor role added by defining one within the advisor = { } block. Starts a civil war for the current scope with the specified parameters. picture = The graphical reference of the picture of the leader.skill = The skill of the leader.attack_skill = The attack skill of the leader.defense_skill = The defense skill of the leader.planning_skill = The planning skill of the leader. Changes the current state category to the specified category. rotation = The rotation of the entity in radians. A value of 1 sets the technology. Optional. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the No Step Back DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. Plays the specified sound once only for the current country. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is some way to change the faction leader. Effects (also known as Commands) are used in order to affect the game dynamically from within a specific scope. From what I know you can't kill your leader in-game. Optional, defaults to random states based off size. Useless since unactivable in multiplayer and chat unactivable in singleplayer. Variables can be used. See /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/* for list. Executes contained effects on every character that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. This serves as an effect block with an additional limit = { } argument, which is a trigger block where each trigger must be met for the scope being checked. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Use clr_character_flag instead. Table of console commands HOI 4 Secret events Cheesing the game, console commands, or literally anything else. army_ratio = The size of the land army that the breakaway country gets. I know with WtT you can now add them by spending CP, but a lot of them still require skill levels and certain prerequisite traits to unlock other traits. Each file in there contains localisation keys with values that actually appear in-game assigned to them. Can be used to confirm if a crash is AI-related, such as if a naval port is built within a province that doesn't have a valid model definition within. If a field marshal is assigned to lead divisions directly rather than other generals, this will. legacy_id = The legacy ID used for the unit leader. limit_to_border = yes Possible to specify the terrain by scoping into it. build_only_on_allied = No by default, if yes and in a country scope, it will only build on allied territories for the country scoped. Sends the specified fraction of equipment to the specified target, removing said equipment from the current scope. Removes the specified trait from the character. Adds defense skill to the current unit leader. Press Shift+2, , ~, \, `, ", ^ or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3 to access the console (key varies based on keyboard layout). You can limit the construction to victory points using: Damages the specified building in the current state. = Adds a modifier to the state. I'm trying to learn how to code for hoi4 mods and I tried making a 2020 election event. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is some way to change the faction leader. Note that if you want to create a repeatable decision including a random list, by default the same decision will pick the same random result every time it is triggered in a game. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in. 1 List of commands 1.1 Internal IDs 1.2 Disambiguation 1.3 Useful commands 1.4 Modding-useful commands 1.5 Other in-game commands 2 See also 3 References List of commands edit | Press Shift+2, , ~, \, `, ", ^ or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3 to access the console (key varies based on keyboard layout) Internal IDs edit | See also: Countries Makes this specified trait show up in the combat menu among other bonuses. Load up a save file and press the TAB key to bring up the panel (the key might differ between keyboards, so try ~, `, ", or ^ if nothing happens). If there are special characters in the folder path, this won't work. Useful if a trigger within has no tooltip. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Cant dismantle faction if there are non-puppet nations in it. Syntax gain_xp [amount] Examples gain_xp 1000 Executing the above command would add 1000 experience to the Leader/General you have selected. add = Trait to add Does not support Naval equipment. A description can be added by appending _desc to the end as my_trait_desc: "My description". Fires the specified event for the current state. Optional, defaults to being the same as size. ratio = Will damage a ratio damage to total organisation/strength of unit if set. The defense skill of the leader. That's great and all, but having King Edward VIII as the leader of my fascist puppet is annoying and immersion breaking. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit. Optional. Multiple can be defined.technology = Which technology the bonus applies to. Most notably, the completion reward of all focuses are effects : Activates the specified decision for the current scope, ignoring triggers for the decision. Annex the specified country for the current scope. Change faction leader : r/hoi4modding by Dr_Crapule Change faction leader Hello everyone. Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands Pikes at the Ready >> Changes the number of shared building slots for the current state. Kills the country leader of the designated ideology for the current scope. Only can be defined for traits with the personality_trait type. Optional. Destroys the specified type and amount of ships controlled by the current scope. uses = Number of times the cost reduction can be used. ideology = Ideology type of the character. Optional, 0 by default. Adds the specified amount of hours of supply to troops led by the current unit leader. They are usually joined by Japan leading the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, and China leading the Chinese United Front. score_factor = / The fraction of the total score awarded to the winners compared to regular victory. Commander trait - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki Commander trait This is a community maintained wiki. If looking to make a subject into an independent nation, use set_autonomy. Alongside that, the game allows the creation of custom console commands, which are scripted effects. set_default = Whether the BoP is considered default. Removes the specified trait from the current unit leader. skill = The skill of the leader. 2019, frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType, start_civil_war effect for keeping unit leaders, special modifiers type that can be used in ideas, The list of skills defined for unit leaders earlier in the page, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Character_modding&oldid=60520, Play Allows to create automatically an intelligence agency, Allows to unlock automatically an intelligence agency uprgrade, Upgrades can be found in common/intelligence_agency_upgrades, Adds decryption towards the target country. Switches the player to the current scope from the target scope. Adds the specified trait to the current character. Releases the specified non-existent country as a puppet of the current scope within the current country's controlled states. Displays a special tooltip for the specified mission in the effect tooltip. air_ratio = The size of the airforce that the breakaway country gets. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. By default, these character slots exist in base game: idea_token = my_character is the ID used for the character when treated as an idea within this particular slot. female = The gender of the leader. Columns go left-to-right starting with 0. Like most games, Hearts of Iron IV has a command console that will let you shortcut your way to various outcomes with the help of some console commands.